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July 16, 2009

BarbarianThis image is based on another great character from DAZ 3D. It was created using Poser, Bryce, and Photoshop.

In fiction, I’ve always loved the barbarian. Robert E. Howard’s “Conan the Barbarian” was among my favorites, and one of the first fantasy books that I ever read. In the early ’70’s when I was reading the Conan books, (note: I have them all), I was so taken in by this larger than life character. Conan was so big and powerful, yet, he was still human. He could still be hurt. The Conan books were pure escapism. That is what I loved about them. Even then, I thought that Arnold Schwarzenegger was born to play that character. Then in 1985, they came out with the movie. It wasn’t a great film. There was so much that wasn’t true to the books, but when does Hollywood get books right anyway? Look at all the crap that they passed off as Tarzan over the years. Anyway, Arnold still looked right for the part.

You are welcome to use this image for your personal stuff, such as RPG games. He certainly would make a great image on someone’s character sheet.

So, tell me what you think? Do you like this stuff, or am I just wasting my time?

Creative Commons License
Barbarian by Rick Stringer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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