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Parsec Awards Surprise

July 24, 2009

I have to say that I was very surprised when I found out about the Parsec Awards 2009 finals today. My podcast, Variant Frequencies, made it into the finals in three categories, with three stories in one of those categories. I was shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very proud of VF. I try to make it something that I would like to listen to. This is our fourth year in the finals, with three wins. I’m so honored by that. We don’t have the biggest audience out there, and we don’t get the high-profile recognition on iTunes or newspapers.

Every year I’ve been surprised when we made the finals, and even more so when we won. The reason I’m surprised is because of the great podcasts that are out there. I listen to many of them. I hear what some of those people are doing and I just marvel at how good they are. I’m certain the surprise also comes from my own insecurities. I was never one of the “popular” kids in school. Each year I’ve expected to not make the final cut. I know this streak won’t last forever.

I just want to say “thank you” to everyone who listens to the podcast, and to all of the authors, narrators, artists, and musicians who have contributed to Variant Frequencies. We couldn’t have done any of it without you.

I’m particularly happy for our authors who were nominated with us, Jonathan C. Gillespie, D.K. Thompson, Michael Natale, and the one and only Matt Wallace. The only thing that is missing for me is getting one of Anne’s stories in there. I really thought she had a shot with “All The Time.” That is the one goal that I have left for the Parsecs. Maybe next year.

Now, I’m really excited about Dragon*Con.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. karin fish permalink
    July 25, 2009 10:36 pm

    SWEET! SWEET! SWEET! I am eternally proud, and I’m not even your Mom.

  2. July 25, 2009 10:55 pm

    Thanks Karin. I know I can always count on you.

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