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J.C. Hutchins just keeps doing it

July 28, 2009

Book received: 7th Son: Descent by J.C. Hutchins. What great ... on Twitpic So, check this out. J.C. Hutchins, you just rock man. Simple as that. My very first post on this blog was about Hutch. The man just keeps pushing that envelope. This image is of his 7th Son: Descent dossier pitch. Talk about cool! Look at all of that stuff.

He is in a league of his own when it comes to finding new ways to promote his work. I can only dream of being this driven and creative. J.C. Hutchins is not a trained marketing guy, yet he is continually coming out with unique things that promote his writing. They are fun, exciting things for his fans.

In my first post, People Who Inspire Me: J.C. Hutchins, I chat with him a little bit and talk about why he inspires me. I just want to say, “Hutch, you not only inspire me, I’m in awe of you.”

One Comment leave one →
  1. July 28, 2009 8:05 am

    You’re too kind, sir. I find endless inspiration in what you’re doing, too!

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