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August 2, 2009

WindNow, for something completely different. I’ve been doing so much in the computer lately. I felt inspired to do something by hand for a change. Here is the result. A simple ink drawing. I wanted to play a bit with the feeling of the wind blowing her clothing and that clothing having some translucency.

This started out as a pencil sketch, then I did the inked version. I scanned that and played around a bit with layers and filters in Photoshop. I always seem to end up back in Photoshop. I love that program.

So, what do you think of this one?

Thanks for checking it out.

Creative Commons License
Wind by Rick Stringer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

3 Comments leave one →
  1. August 2, 2009 10:29 pm

    I would say she looks Asian. That and it was a COLD wind. 🙂

  2. August 4, 2009 5:15 pm

    I think that the “cold wind” is actually supposed to be a fold of cloth.

    I like her, but I think she’d look better with her toes pointed behind her, like she was in a swan dive or something. Regardless of that, she’s far more wonderful than anything I’d be able to create with pencil, pen, or any computer program.

  3. August 4, 2009 5:57 pm

    Thanks guys. If you look at her close, I think you will see that it is a combination of “cold wind” and cloth. So, you are both right. I didn’t point her toes, because I was think of this as more like she is leaning against a strong wind. Either way, it is something that I whipped up in a day. It was fun to work by hand again.

    I’m also working on some ideas for that bigger marine. That will take a bit more work. Should be fun though.

    Thanks again for the support. I really appreciate the comments.

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