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The Shifting Monolith – Numenera RPG Adventure

May 23, 2023
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I’ve decided to revive this old blog by sharing RPG game ideas, characters, and more. This first one is intended for the Numenera RPG by Monte Cook Games

The Shifting Monolith


The Ninth World’s city of Qi, a metropolis of vast wonders and bizarre oddities, has seen a major event. A giant monolith appeared in the city’s central plaza, floating several feet off the ground. The monolith, ever-changing in color and texture, has started affecting the city’s numenera in unpredictable ways. The city’s leaders, not knowing how to handle the situation, have put out a call for help to any brave explorers, scientists, and numenera specialists.

Your group of explorers has arrived in Qi, ready to investigate the Shifting Monolith.

Character Hooks

1. A Nano who Fuses Flesh and Steel: You were drawn to the Monolith because of the strange effects it has on numenera and how it can help you better understand your fusion abilities.

2. A Jack who Works Miracles: You received a vision that told you that the Monolith is an item of incredible power. You are determined to prevent its misuse.

3. A Glaive who Masters Weaponry: You were hired as a bodyguard for one of the researchers studying the Monolith. You are suspicious of the intentions of the city’s leaders.

Key NPCs

1. Governor Mirran: The governor of Qi. She is worried about the Monolith’s impact on the city but is also curious about its potential benefits.

2. Dr. Jaelon: A brilliant and eccentric nano-researcher. He is obsessed with studying the Monolith, sometimes disregarding safety measures.

3. Zant, the Crime Boss: He has seen the Monolith as a new opportunity to expand his control over Qi. His motives are unclear.

Key Locations

1. Central Plaza: The location of the Shifting Monolith, a hub of activity with researchers, guards, and curious citizens.

2. Governor’s Office: The official headquarters of the city’s leaders, bustling with politicians and bureaucrats.

3. Zant’s Hideout: A secret place tucked away in the city’s underground, home to thieves, spies, and various ne’er-do-wells.

Key Events

1. Arrival at Qi: The group’s first encounter with the Shifting Monolith and the chaotic scene at the plaza.

2. Meeting with Governor Mirran: The Governor briefs the party about the situation and asks for their help.

3. Investigation of the Monolith: The party works with Dr. Jaelon to study the Monolith and discover its secrets. They must navigate both the Monolith’s unpredictable effects and the political intrigue of Qi.

4. Attack on the Plaza: Zant’s gang attempts to seize the Monolith, leading to a showdown.

5. Final Revelation: The Monolith’s true nature and purpose are revealed, leaving the party with a difficult decision.

Possible Endings

1. The party manages to neutralize the Monolith, bringing stability back to Qi.

2. The Monolith is activated, leading to a drastic change in Qi or even the entire Ninth World.

3. The Monolith is taken over by Zant, leading to an era of criminal supremacy in Qi.

4. The Monolith disappears as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Qi and its people with more questions than answers.

Remember, as in all Numenera games, the journey is more important than the destination. The story should focus on discovery, exploration, and the weirdness of the Ninth World.


Here are some more details about the characters suggested for this adventure.

Governor Mirran


Governor Mirran is a tall and imposing figure. She stands over six feet tall and has a lean, athletic build. She has dark brown skin, with sharp, angular features and piercing silver eyes, a side effect of a minor numenera enhancement she underwent in her youth. Her hair is black and cropped short, often adorned with small but intricate numenera devices that glow softly in different colors. Her choice of attire is a mix of traditional and functional, favoring high-collared, long tunics of dark, rich colors studded with glowing numenera that offer her various forms of protection. 


Governor Mirran was born and raised in Qi, the daughter of a skilled numenera craftsman and a prominent politician. From a young age, she displayed a keen intellect and an intense curiosity about the world around her. She was especially interested in numenera, partly because of her father’s work.

Mirran studied the Ninth World’s past and present extensively, showing a remarkable aptitude for understanding and manipulating numenera. She utilized these skills to improve Qi’s infrastructure, security, and general quality of life, which quickly won her the favor of the city’s populace. This popularity, coupled with her mother’s political tutelage, allowed her to rise to the position of governor.


Mirran is a woman of action and decision. She possesses a sharp mind, quick wit, and unwavering dedication to the prosperity of Qi. Her approach is generally pragmatic; she is a problem-solver and a strategist. She is known for her fearlessness in making tough decisions and for standing up to anyone who threatens her city.

While stern and serious in her official capacity, she also has a more personal side. She possesses a deep love for her city and its people and is genuinely interested in their well-being. She regularly takes time to walk through the city, speak with her constituents, and assist where she can.

Role in the Adventure

Governor Mirran serves as the party’s primary point of contact within Qi’s government. She will provide them with information about the Shifting Monolith, the city’s history, and current political landscape. Depending on how the players interact with her, she may become a steadfast ally or a suspicious overseer.

She might also have additional tasks for the party that involve dealing with political rivals, investigating other numenera phenomena within the city, or even dealing with Zant’s underworld activities. Through these tasks, the party can gain her trust, potentially influencing the future of Qi.


In the context of Numenera’s system, here are some suggested statistics for Governor Mirran. Remember, these are merely suggestions, and you’re free to modify them to better fit your campaign’s needs:

Governor Mirran, the Steadfast Leader of Qi

Level: 5

Motive: To protect and improve Qi

Health: 20

Damage Inflicted: 5 points

Armor: 2

Movement: Short

Modifications: Persuasion as level 6. Tasks related to strategy, leadership, or numenera knowledge as level 6.

Combat: As the governor, Mirran would avoid combat if possible, instead relying on her bodyguards or city guards. However, she has a few numenera artifacts at her disposal if she needs to defend herself. These could include a force field generator (provides an additional 2 Armor for several rounds), a disruption device (inflicts 5 points of damage in immediate area), or a teleportation device (allows her to move up to a long distance away in a single round).

Interaction: Mirran is sharp and strategic in her communication. She appreciates straight talk and dislikes beating around the bush. However, she is also diplomatic, often aiming for resolutions that benefit all parties involved.

Use: Mirran can be a valuable ally for the PCs, providing them with resources, information, and political backing. She can also make a compelling antagonist if the PCs choose to oppose her plans for Qi.

Loot: As a politician, Mirran doesn’t carry traditional loot. However, she has access to a range of numenera devices and artifacts, which she could lend or give to the PCs as a reward for their services.

Given her political position and access to numenera, Governor Mirran’s loot can be quite significant and varied. Below are examples of numenera items she could offer the party as rewards for their assistance or quests completed. Remember, these are unique and odd artifacts of the Ninth World, designed to inspire wonder and curiosity.

1. Mirror Shield: This handheld device projects a shimmering, mirror-like energy field capable of deflecting energy-based attacks. It has ten uses before it burns out.

2. Holo-Cloak: This cloak, adorned with numerous intricate, glowing circuits, can project a holographic disguise around the wearer, changing their appearance for one hour. It can be used three times per day.

3. Mind Link Circlet: This thin, metallic headband allows the wearer to establish a telepathic link with one other person within sight for an hour. This numenera has a depletion roll of 1 in 1d20.

4. Phase Gauntlet: This gauntlet allows the wearer to “phase” their hand through solid matter, useful for bypassing locks or retrieving items. It can be used twice before it needs 10 hours to recharge.

5. Temporal Pocket Watch: This old yet technologically advanced pocket watch has the ability to slow down time for the user, effectively allowing them to take two turns in a single round. It can be used once per day.

6. Restoration Pod: A small capsule that, when activated, unfolds into a life-sized pod. The individual inside the pod can recover as if they had a full night’s rest in just one hour. However, the pod can only be used three times before it ceases to function.

7. Cypher Satchel: A numenera bag that can safely hold more cyphers than usual (additional 2-4) without causing them to react unpredictably.

Zant, the Serpent of Qi


Zant is a man of medium build, with an age-hardened physique. His eyes are a strikingly icy blue, cold and calculative, contrasting his warm olive skin. He sports a thick salt-and-pepper beard, and his graying hair is kept short and neat. His attire is elegant and surprisingly tasteful for a crime lord: finely tailored coats and vests in dark colors, always accessorized with a unique numenera artifact he’s acquired over the years.


Born in the slums of Qi, Zant had a rough upbringing. His parents were small-time thieves, and he was introduced to the world of crime at a very young age. As he grew older, he proved himself not just a capable thief but also a charismatic leader and a clever strategist. Zant eventually formed his own gang, which quickly rose to dominance through a combination of fear, cunning, and the strategic use of numenera artifacts.

Zant has ruled the Qi underworld for years, having either absorbed or crushed most of his competition. He’s diversified his operations into smuggling, black-market numenera dealing, and even some legitimate businesses, making him a significant figure in Qi’s economic landscape.


Zant is as ruthless as he is intelligent. He’s a master manipulator, always looking for ways to expand his power and influence. Despite this, he has a certain charm about him, and he is often charismatic and personable when he chooses to be. Zant is also highly knowledgeable about numenera, possessing a keen interest and understanding of the ancient technology.

To his allies, he’s a reliable and valuable friend, generous with his resources and protective of those under his care. To his enemies, he’s a deadly adversary, unafraid to use his power, his gang, or his collection of numenera artifacts to eliminate those who cross him.

Role in the Adventure

Zant serves as a potential antagonist in the story. His interest in the Shifting Monolith is purely opportunistic; he sees it as a way to gain more power and expand his criminal empire. Depending on the party’s choices, they could find themselves clashing with Zant’s gang, working for him, or even trying to manipulate him to their advantage.

Zant might also have jobs for the party that delve into Qi’s underworld. These could range from stealing valuable numenera, dealing with rival gangs, or even negotiating with powerful entities in Qi’s political landscape. These tasks could provide the party with unique benefits and insights into the city’s dark underbelly.


Zant, the Serpent of Qi

Level: 6

Motive: Power and Control

Health: 24

Damage Inflicted: 6 points

Armor: 2 (Enhanced by numenera devices)

Movement: Short

Modifications: Deception, persuasion, and intimidation tasks as level 7. Tasks related to numenera knowledge as level 7.

Combat: Zant is a cunning opponent who relies on his numenera artifacts for defense and offense. He’s equipped with a numenera device that can produce a variety of effects, such as a stun ray (stuns a single target within short range for one round) or a force blast (inflicts 6 points of damage to all within immediate range).

Zant prefers to avoid direct combat, relying instead on his gang members to protect him. If cornered, he uses his numenera and dirty tricks to turn the tide in his favor.

Interaction: Zant is a manipulative and persuasive individual. He’s charismatic and can come across as quite personable when he chooses to be. He’s always looking for ways to expand his power and is willing to use others to achieve his goals.

Use: Zant can serve as an antagonist, a reluctant ally, or a dubious patron, depending on the path the party chooses. He has resources, information, and numenera that the party may find useful, but dealing with him is always risky.

Loot: Zant carries a variety of numenera artifacts and cyphers, as well as a significant amount of shins. If defeated, the party could acquire some of his powerful numenera devices.

As a crime boss with a deep interest in numenera, Zant would indeed have a selection of loot – especially numenera artifacts and cyphers, which he uses to maintain his power and control. Below are examples of some items the players could acquire from Zant, either by earning them, stealing them, or finding them in the aftermath of a conflict.

1.  Shadow Cloak: This cloak makes the wearer nearly invisible in low-light conditions, providing an asset to Stealth tasks. It’s good for three uses before it depletes.

2.  Phase Dagger: This blade can phase through armor, ignoring its protection. It lasts for ten uses before it depletes.

3.  Mindscrambler Grenade: When thrown, this device disrupts the neural patterns of everyone in immediate range, causing confusion and disorientation. Its effects last for one minute (ten rounds), and it has only one use.

4.  Chronostep Boots: These numenera boots can briefly manipulate time to allow the wearer to take an extra short movement action. They can be used three times per day.

5.  Control Spike: A one-time use artifact. When this small spike is successfully driven into a numenera device or construct, it allows the user to command the target as if they were its rightful owner or controller.

6.  Hoard of Shins: As a crime lord, Zant has accumulated a considerable wealth. The party could find a stash of shins (the Ninth World’s currency), which could be very useful for their future endeavors.

These are just examples, and Zant’s loot could include other numenera artifacts and cyphers, shins, valuable information, or even rare materials or objects of interest. As always, feel free to adjust or expand on these suggestions based on what would be most interesting and useful in your specific campaign.

Remember, according to the setting’s lore, numenera are incredibly diverse and often mysterious. The above items are just examples, and you can adjust their properties, limitations, and visual descriptions to better fit your game.

I hope you like this first installment of adventure ideas. I would love to get some feedback. Feel free to comment.

What is Numenera?

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