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Generic RPG Encounter: The Mysterious Street Performer

May 30, 2023

This encounter is intended to be generic so that it could be added to almost any RPG campaign.

Encounter: The Mysterious Street Performer

As the characters make their way through the bustling streets of a vibrant city, they come across a large crowd gathered around a street performer. The performer stands atop a makeshift wooden stage, adorned in colorful clothing and a mask that obscures their face. The air is filled with a sense of anticipation and curiosity as the performer begins their act.

The Mysterious Street Performer


The street performer is a master of various forms of entertainment, captivating the crowd with their mesmerizing skills. They seamlessly transition between juggling brightly colored balls, performing acrobatic flips, and executing intricate sleight of hand tricks. Their movements are precise and graceful, leaving the audience in awe. Despite the performer’s impressive abilities, their identity remains a mystery, as they never reveal their true face.


1. The Challenge

As the characters approach the crowd, they notice a small wooden sign placed near the performer. It reads, “Can you solve the riddle and win a prize? Test your wits!”

The street performer announces, “Greetings, adventurers! Step forward and attempt to solve my riddle. Those who succeed shall be rewarded!”

2. The Riddle

The street performer presents a challenging riddle to the characters, a test of their intellect and problem-solving skills. The riddle might be something like:

(Riddle ideas below.)

3. The Prize

If any character successfully solves the riddle, the street performer reveals a hidden compartment within the stage, containing a small chest. Inside, they find a collection of valuable gems, a few potions, and a personalized letter of appreciation. The performer applauds the characters and commends their intelligence.

4. The Enigma

Once the riddle is solved, the street performer offers to answer a single question from each character, with the caveat that the answer can only be given in the form of a riddle. This gives the characters an opportunity to gain unique insights or uncover hints for future quests.

5. Unmasking the Mystery

Despite the characters’ curiosity, the performer never removes their mask or reveals their true identity. They bid farewell with a flourish and vanish into the crowd, leaving behind an air of intrigue and an invitation to seek them out again if the characters wish to uncover more secrets.

Possible Outcomes

Success: The characters successfully solve the riddle, obtaining the prize and valuable information through the enigmatic performer’s riddle responses.

Failure: If the characters fail to solve the riddle, the street performer gracefully acknowledges their effort but offers no reward or additional information.

Curiosity: The encounter leaves the characters intrigued, sparking their interest in searching for the mysterious street performer to learn more about their enigmatic background and the secrets they hold.

Note: Adjust the difficulty of the riddle according to the party’s level of expertise and provide appropriate rewards based on the campaign’s progression.

Riddle Ideas

  1. Riddle: “I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?Answer: “A map.”
  2. Riddle: “I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?
    Answer: “A joke.”
  3. Riddle: “I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I?”
    Answer: “Fire.”
  4. Riddle: “In the depths of dungeons, I can be found. I’m sought by many, but rarely unbound. I guard precious treasures, yet I hold no gold. Solve me correctly, and secrets unfold. What am I?”
    Answer: “A locked door.”
  5. Riddle: “I’m made of iron, sturdy and strong. I’m wielded in battle, amidst the throng. With a swing and a strike, foes fall to the ground. Warriors call me by a name renowned. What am I?”
    Answer: “A greatsword.”
  6. Riddle: “I’m hidden away in ancient lore, written on scrolls of days of yore. With arcane words and gestures precise, I harness magic, both dark and wise. What am I?”
    Answer: “A spellbook.”
  7. Riddle: “With scales shining and wings so wide, I soar through skies, my presence can’t hide. I guard my hoard, gleaming and vast. Who am I? Reveal the dragon of the past.”
    Answer: “A dragon.”
  8. Riddle: “I have a heart that doesn’t beat, a bed but never sleep, I run without legs. What am I?”
    Answer: “A river.”
  9. Riddle: “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?”
    Answer: “An echo.”
  10. Riddle: “I’m as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for long. What am I?”
    Answer: “Breath.”
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