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Twenty Days of Shops—Day Four—Quiver and Quill

June 4, 2023

A fletcher’s shop selling various types of arrows and bolts, as well as writing quills made from feathers of magical birds.

Welcome to Day Four of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Shops.

Quiver and Quill is a fascinating establishment housed in a quaint, wooden building, located towards the more bustling side of the marketplace. The shop’s sign is a beautifully carved image of a feather quill crossing an arrow, signifying the shop’s specialized goods. The scent of wood, feather, and parchment mingles in the air, hinting at the shop’s unique dual-purpose.

As customers step inside, they can see the organized chaos of the shop’s interior. On one side of the shop, carefully sorted racks of arrows and crossbow bolts are on display, made from various types of wood and feather fletchings. From basic target arrows to enchanted, silvered, or specially-tipped projectiles, the shop caters to the varied needs of any adventurer.

On the other side of the shop, an array of beautifully crafted quills lies next to parchments and inks of different hues. The quills are crafted from the feathers of various magical birds such as Phoenixes, Hippogriffs, and Owlbears. These quills are said to offer a smooth writing experience and occasionally minor magical effects, such as self-replenishing ink or glow-in-the-dark writing.

The shop is run by a jovial half-elf named Tolen Swiftfeather, a skilled fletcher, and scribe who has a love for both archery and writing. Tolen is a friendly and knowledgeable merchant, eager to share the story behind each arrow and quill he sells. He is particularly known for his “Try Before You Buy” policy, where customers can test out arrows at a small indoor range or try out quills at a comfortable writing desk.

Tolen is aided by his faithful companion, a large magical bird named Eolande. Eolande, an intelligent and colorful Gryphon, is a sight to behold for customers. She helps Tolen fetch materials for his products and is the source of some of the quills sold in the shop.

Quiver and Quill provides an essential service for warriors and scholars alike. It’s a place ripe with opportunities for quest hooks and plotlines. Perhaps Tolen needs help tracking a rare bird for its magical feathers, or a special enchanted arrow he sold was used in a crime. Maybe a parchment written by one of his quills reveals a secret message under a specific condition. The possibilities with Quiver and Quill are as varied as the products it sells.

Here are some items that might be found at Quiver and Quill:

  1. Phoenix Quill: This quill is immune to fire and heat. Anything written with this quill can’t be destroyed by fire.
  2. Griffon Feather Bolt: Arrows or crossbow bolts made with griffon feathers that give a bonus to accuracy due to their exceptional balance.
  3. Hippogriff Quill: A quill made from a hippogriff feather. The ink never blots and always flows smoothly.
  4. Arrow of Slaying: Arrow of Slaying: A specially crafted arrow designed to deal significant damage to a specific type of creature.
  5. Roc Quill: A massive quill suitable for use as a scroll or map-making pen. The ink seems to last longer when used with this quill.
  6. Dragonbone Arrow: Rare arrows with shafts made from dragon bone, providing added strength and durability.
  7. Harpy Feather Quill: A quill that can write in musical notation as easily as it can write in common languages. It’s said the script it produces has a distinct melodic quality when read aloud.
  8. Exploding Bolt: An exploding bolt that detonates upon impact, dealing additional fire damage.
  9. Owlbear Quill: Writing with this quill in the moonlight is said to reveal hidden secrets in the text to the reader.
  10. Silver-tipped Arrow: Arrows tipped with silver, effective against lycanthropes and certain types of undead.
  11. Pegasus Quill: Rumored to make your writing more eloquent and persuasive.
  12. Elemental Arrow: Arrows imbued with elemental energy, such as fire, cold, or lightning, dealing additional damage of that type on a hit.
  13. Eagle Quill: A quill that enhances the writer’s speed, allowing them to write twice as fast as normal.
  14. Arrow of Stunning: An arrow that can stun the creature it hits, if they fail a Constitution saving throw.
  15. Aarakocra Quill: A quill made from an aarakocra feather. It’s rumored to be ideal for scribing air-based spells.

Remember, these special arrows and bolts might be more expensive than regular ammunition, but their effects could turn the tide in a difficult battle. As for the magical quills, they might have a limited number of uses or need specific, potentially expensive, ink to channel their magical effects.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this shop. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Shops.

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