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Twenty Days of Shops—Day Fifteen—Arcane Emporium

June 15, 2023

A magic shop offering spell components, magic items, enchanted trinkets, and sometimes rare spellbooks.

Welcome to Day Fifteen of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Shops.

Arcane Emporium is a quaint, enigmatic shop nestled away in a quiet corner of the marketplace. Its unassuming exterior, adorned with a signboard bearing a mystic rune, belies the realm of magical wonders within. A sense of mysterious energy permeates the air around the shop, hinting at the magic-infused goods stored inside.

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by an array of displays housing magical components, from common herbs and crystals to rare spell catalysts like dragon scales or unicorn hairs. Shelves are meticulously organized with rows of potions, scrolls, wands, and other magical items. Enchanted trinkets, baubles, and charms twinkle enticingly from glass cases, each with its unique charm and enchantment.

The Arcane Emporium is owned and managed by an elven mage named Elandra Moonsilver. Elandra, with her long silver hair and serene, azure eyes, is an accomplished wizard who retired from her life as a court mage to run her own business. Her extensive knowledge of the arcane makes her an invaluable resource for novice magic-users and experienced spellcasters alike.

One of the Arcane Emporium’s most significant features is its collection of spellbooks. Elandra has amassed a vast library of magical texts, scrolls, and spellbooks, some of which she puts up for sale. These range from basic textbooks for apprentice wizards to rare volumes containing uncommon or long-forgotten spells. The most valuable and dangerous books are kept in a magical vault, safe from prying eyes and nefarious intentions.

In addition to selling magical wares, Elandra offers services such as spellcasting lessons, magical item identification, and enchantment consultations. For those who prove trustworthy, she might undertake custom enchantments or even facilitate access to elusive magical materials or spells.

The Arcane Emporium is an ideal location for introducing magical quests, tools, and lore into your D&D campaign. Perhaps a rare spell component is needed to combat a magical threat, or a rogue apprentice steals a dangerous spellbook. Elandra might need assistance procuring a unique item or solving a magical mystery, or the shop could become the target of thieves or corrupt officials. With its blend of mundane magical wares and high magic artifacts, the Arcane Emporium can add a touch of arcane intrigue to any campaign.

Here are some examples of items you might find at Arcane Emporium:

  1. Wand of the War Mage: This wand provides a bonus to spell attack rolls and ignores half cover when casting spells.
  2. Spell Scrolls: These are one-use items that allow the user to cast the spell written on the scroll.
  3. Bags of Holding: This popular item can hold far more than its size would suggest, making it very useful for carrying loot.
  4. Rare Spellbooks: These may contain unique or uncommon spells, potentially allowing a wizard to expand their repertoire.
  5. Crystal Balls: Used for scrying, these items can allow the user to see far-off places or even into other planes of existence.
  6. Ring of Spell Storing: This ring can store spells cast into it for later use, allowing for a greater degree of flexibility.
  7. Spell Component Pouches: These bags contain the various esoteric components required for casting many spells.
  8. Pearl of Power: This enchanted pearl can allow a spellcaster to regain an expended spell slot once per day.
  9. Arcane Focus Items: These can range from wands to orbs to staffs, and they allow spellcasters to channel their magical energy.
  10. Mystic Robes: These robes could offer a variety of effects, such as increasing the wearer’s spell save DC or allowing them to regain some spell slots.
  11. Broom of Flying: A classic witch’s broom, it can be ridden through the air at a moderate speed.
  12. Cloak of Protection: This cloak provides a bonus to both Armor Class and saving throws.
  13. Amulet of Health: This item increases the wearer’s Constitution score, making them healthier and more resilient.
  14. Boots of Teleportation: These boots allow the wearer to teleport to a location they can see within a certain range.
  15. Scroll of Planar Binding: An advanced scroll that can bind a creature from another plane to the caster’s service.

Remember, the stock of a magic shop in D&D can be extremely varied. Magic items are a large part of D&D, and they can be tailored to any campaign, setting, or group of players. Additionally, a magic shop doesn’t just sell items; it could also provide services like item identification, enchantment, or even a place to research or create new spells.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this shop. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Shops.

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