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Twenty Days of Shops—Day Sixteen—Bargain Bin of the Multiverse

June 16, 2023

A pawn shop run by a Planeswalker, where players can find all kinds of strange and mysterious items.

Welcome to Day Sixteen of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Shops.

Bargain Bin of the Multiverse is a chaotic, intriguing shop nestled in the middle of the bustling marketplace. It’s sign, a sack filled with sparkling trinkets from across the planes, swings playfully above the door. The shop’s exterior might seem modest, but the interior is another story entirely.

Stepping inside, customers are met with a veritable trove of curiosities. The store is crammed with shelves, tables, and bins overflowing with items of all kinds, from the mundane to the magical, the common to the extraordinary. There are countless artifacts, relics, jewelry, baubles, weapons, clothing, books, and other strange items from across the planes. The shop’s dimensions seem to defy logic, the interior far larger than the exterior would suggest.

The shop is run by a gregarious githyanki named Rael the Planeswalker. Rael is a former adventurer who journeyed across the multiverse, gathering items and curiosities along the way. His exploits have earned him friends—and enemies—across countless worlds and dimensions. Rael’s keen eye for value, combined with his uncanny ability to appraise and identify items from any plane, makes him a valuable resource for anyone seeking to buy or sell items.

While the Bargain Bin of the Multiverse might seem like a chaotic jumble, Rael maintains a magically enchanted inventory system that allows him to find any item in an instant. The price tags on each item are inscribed with runes that indicate the item’s nature, origin, and value to those who can decipher them.

The shop is filled with potential treasures and oddities, and it is said that no one leaves the Bargain Bin without finding something that catches their interest. Some of the items may seem mundane but have magical properties, while others might be dangerous or cursed. Then there are the truly unique pieces: artifacts from lost civilizations, weapons forged in different planes, or items that manipulate time and space.

The Bargain Bin of the Multiverse offers a multitude of possibilities for a D&D campaign. Rael might ask the adventurers for help retrieving a stolen item or need assistance traveling to another plane to procure more goods. A customer might bring in a dangerous artifact to sell, unknowingly placing the whole marketplace at risk. Or perhaps one of the items sold by Rael leads the party on a quest across the planes. With a seemingly endless supply of artifacts and curiosities, every visit to the Bargain Bin of the Multiverse can start a new adventure.

Here are some examples of items you might find at Arcane Emporium:

  1. Wand of the War Mage: This wand provides a bonus to spell attack rolls and ignores half cover when casting spells.
  2. Spell Scrolls: These are one-use items that allow the user to cast the spell written on the scroll.
  3. Bags of Holding: This popular item can hold far more than its size would suggest, making it very useful for carrying loot.
  4. Rare Spellbooks: These may contain unique or uncommon spells, potentially allowing a wizard to expand their repertoire.
  5. Crystal Balls: Used for scrying, these items can allow the user to see far-off places or even into other planes of existence.
  6. Ring of Spell Storing: This ring can store spells cast into it for later use, allowing for a greater degree of flexibility.
  7. Spell Component Pouches: These bags contain the various esoteric components required for casting many spells.
  8. Pearl of Power: This enchanted pearl can allow a spellcaster to regain an expended spell slot once per day.
  9. Arcane Focus Items: These can range from wands to orbs to staffs, and they allow spellcasters to channel their magical energy.
  10. Mystic Robes: These robes could offer a variety of effects, such as increasing the wearer’s spell save DC or allowing them to regain some spell slots.
  11. Broom of Flying: A classic witch’s broom, it can be ridden through the air at a moderate speed.
  12. Cloak of Protection: This cloak provides a bonus to both Armor Class and saving throws.
  13. Amulet of Health: This item increases the wearer’s Constitution score, making them healthier and more resilient.
  14. Boots of Teleportation: These boots allow the wearer to teleport to a location they can see within a certain range.
  15. Scroll of Planar Binding: An advanced scroll that can bind a creature from another plane to the caster’s service.

Remember, the stock of a magic shop in D&D can be extremely varied. Magic items are a large part of D&D, and they can be tailored to any campaign, setting, or group of players. Additionally, a magic shop doesn’t just sell items; it could also provide services like item identification, enchantment, or even a place to research or create new spells.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this shop. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Shops.

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