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Twenty Days of Shops—Day Nineteen—The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets

June 19, 2023

A shop selling both common and hard-to-find scrolls, run by a mysterious figure.

Welcome to Day Nineteen of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Shops.

The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets is an esoteric shop nestled in a quiet alley of the marketplace. The unassuming exterior is marked with a stylized scroll signboard, barely hinting at the wealth of knowledge stored within.

Upon entering, the scent of aged parchment and ink fills the air. Floor-to-ceiling shelves laden with scrolls line the walls. Each scroll is meticulously categorized and stored in cubbyholes, varying from common scrolls for basic spells to coveted scrolls bearing high-level magic, ancient prophecies, or forgotten histories. There’s a quiet, almost reverential atmosphere inside, as if the shop itself acknowledges the weight of the knowledge it houses.

The proprietor of The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets is a mysterious figure known only as The Scrollkeeper. Cloaked in robes of deep indigo, with an ornate silver mask always concealing their face, their identity remains a puzzle to patrons. Some speculate The Scrollkeeper is a powerful mage who has prolonged their life with magic, while others whisper they might be a celestial being or a legendary sage in disguise.

The Scrollkeeper is a figure of few words, communicating primarily through written notes. However, their knowledge of scrolls, the magic inscribed within them, and their histories is unparalleled. The Scrollkeeper also has the unique ability to replicate any scroll given enough time, making them a valuable asset for spellcasters seeking specific spells.

Despite the shop’s quiet demeanor, it’s not without its share of drama and intrigue. Scrolls from The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets are highly sought after, and the shop has been the target of thieves and plunderers in the past. This has led The Scrollkeeper to invest heavily in magical security systems and traps, deterring would-be thieves with a mixture of subtle illusion magic, powerful wards, and enchantments.

The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets can add a layer of intrigue and mystery to any D&D campaign. Perhaps the adventurers are sent on a quest to recover a stolen scroll, or they need a specific scroll to combat a rising threat. Maybe The Scrollkeeper seeks assistance in procuring a rare ingredient for scroll replication, or a cryptic prophecy scroll foreshadows events in the campaign. With The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets, your campaign can unravel a world of mystery and arcane knowledge.

In The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets, you might find:

  1. Arcane Scrolls: Various scrolls containing spells of all schools of magic, ranging from cantrips to high-level spells.
  2. Scroll of Remove Curse: A helpful scroll that can be used to remove curses from individuals or objects.
  3. Scroll of Teleportation: A valuable scroll that can instantly transport the reader and their group to a location they’re familiar with.
  4. Scroll of Protection: A scroll that creates a barrier against a specific type of creature, like undead or elementals.
  5. Scroll of Planar Binding: A rare scroll used to bind celestial, elemental, fey, or infernal creatures to the caster’s service.
  6. Divination Scrolls: Scrolls containing divination spells that can foretell the future, find lost objects, or reveal hidden information.
  7. Map Scrolls: These aren’t spell scrolls, but contain detailed maps of certain areas, possibly revealing hidden paths or treasure locations.
  8. Historical Scrolls: Scrolls containing information about historical events, possibly holding clues to current quests.
  9. Scroll of True Resurrection: An extremely rare and valuable scroll capable of bringing the dead back to life, even if only a small part of their body remains.
  10. Scroll of Summoning: A variety of scrolls that can summon different creatures or beings to assist the caster.
  11. Scroll of Comprehend Languages: A scroll that allows the reader to understand all spoken and written languages for a short period.
  12. Ritual Scrolls: Scrolls that contain instructions for powerful ritual spells that require multiple casters.
  13. Scroll Cases: Protective cases made from materials like leather, metal, or even magical substances, designed to protect scrolls from damage.
  14. Scroll of Sealing: A scroll that can magically seal doors, chests, or other objects, preventing unauthorized access.

The exact inventory of the shop could change frequently, as the mysterious shopkeeper acquires new and unusual scrolls from his sources. This makes every visit to The Scrollkeeper’s Secrets potentially exciting and rewarding.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this shop. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Shops.

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