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Twenty Days of Shops—Day Twenty—Chromatic Carpets

June 20, 2023

Editor’s Note: We have now reached the end of our “Twenty Days of Shops” series. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed exploring these various establishments. Should you wish to see more content of this nature, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Chromatic Carpets: A shop specializing in magic carpets and other means of magical transportation.

Chromatic Carpets is a vibrant, eye-catching shop located in the bustling heart of the marketplace. The shopfront is adorned with a colorful array of carpets, hanging like a cascading rainbow, each swaying gently even without a breeze—a tantalizing glimpse of their enchantment.

Entering the shop is like stepping into a different world, one where the floor and walls are lined with carpets of every hue and pattern. Some carpets are large enough to carry multiple passengers, while others are sized for solitary riders. On special display platforms, other means of magical transportation are showcased, such as enchanted chariots, broomsticks, and even rare, compact discs that hover a few feet above the ground.

Chromatic Carpets is managed by a cheerful gnome named Tink Brightspark. Tink, with his wild white hair and twinkling blue eyes, is a skilled enchanter who specializes in transportation magic. Having travelled the world on a magical carpet himself, Tink knows the value of a reliable, magical means of transport.

Every item in Chromatic Carpets comes with Tink’s assurance of quality. He personally crafts or inspects each item, ensuring it is safe and reliable. For a premium, Tink also offers custom enchantments on carpets, such as improved speed, increased altitude limit, or even invisibility. However, these powerful enchantments require rare materials, which could become potential quests for interested adventurers.

Customers from all walks of life visit Chromatic Carpets. Some are adventurers looking for a quick way to traverse challenging terrain, while others are nobles wanting an exotic means of transportation. The shop has even served the occasional wizard seeking a mobile base for aerial casting.

In a D&D campaign, Chromatic Carpets can offer a variety of plot hooks. Tink could require help sourcing rare materials for his enchantments, or a valuable carpet could be stolen, requiring retrieval. Perhaps a defective carpet causes trouble, leading back to a counterfeit operation. Or, a customer orders a large number of carpets for a suspicious purpose. With Chromatic Carpets, the prospects for high-flying adventure are endless.

In Chromatic Carpets, you might find:

  1. Magic Carpets of Various Sizes: These rugs of different sizes can hover and fly through the air, carrying different amounts of weight based on their size.
  2. Rug of Smothering: While technically a creature, some unscrupulous dealers might try to pass one off as a standard magical rug.
  3. Apparition Anklets: A pair of anklets that allow the wearer to teleport short distances, as per the spell Misty Step.
  4. Broom of Flying: A classic tool for witches and wizards alike, these brooms can be used as transport for one or two people.
  5. Boots of Speed: These boots allow the wearer to move at incredible speed for short periods of time.
  6. Saddle of the Cavalier: This magical saddle bonds to a creature you designate, which you can then summon to your side and use as a mount.
  7. Sovereign Sled: A magical sled that can move at high speed, even uphill or across water.
  8. Disk of Tenser: A small item that, when activated, creates a floating disk that can carry heavy loads.
  9. Helm of Teleportation: This helmet can transport you and a group of people to any location you can visualize.
  10. Winged Boots: These boots give the wearer the ability to fly for short periods of time.
  11. Ring of Jumping: This ring triples the jump distance of the wearer.
  12. Cloak of the Bat: This cloak gives the ability to fly in low-light conditions and can even transform the wearer into a bat.
  13. Skates of Skimming: Magical skates that allow the wearer to move swiftly across any solid surface, even water and lava.
  14. Instant Fortress: A small cube that can transform into a large, fortified structure. While not directly a transport item, it can provide shelter in hostile environments.

These items, among others, offer characters in a D&D game a variety of means of transportation, allowing them to traverse the game world in creative and exciting ways.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this shop. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Shops.

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