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Twenty Days of Townsfolk

July 1, 2023

Meet the Colorful Inhabitants of Your Fantasy Town!

Hello, fellow adventurers!

Welcome to the first entry in our “Twenty Days of Townsfolk” series. Over the next twenty days, we will journey into the heart of our quaint and quirky fantasy town, meeting its residents and uncovering their stories. Whether you are a Dungeon Master seeking inspiration or a player looking to understand the depth of non-playable characters, this series is for you.

In every tabletop RPG, from Dungeons & Dragons to Pathfinder, townsfolk are the vibrant threads that weave the fabric of any great story. They are the heart of gossip, the instigators of side quests, the providers of services, and sometimes the bearers of valuable information. They can be allies, foes, or something in between, but they are always there, adding depth and color to your adventures.

Each day, we will introduce a new character, complete with their occupation, personality quirks, secrets, and potential story hooks. Our aim is to inspire you to incorporate more intricate and engaging characters in your campaign, as well as encourage players to interact more with the environment and its residents.

So get ready, pack your rations, and oil your lanterns as we embark on this exciting journey together. Tomorrow, we’ll meet our first townsfolk: Eldred the Apothecary. You never know what mysteries brew in his strange concoctions!

Stay tuned, and may your rolls always land on 20!

Here are the characters we will meet over the next twenty days, for adding to your campaign:

  1. Eldred the Apothecary: A mysterious old man who sells potions and remedies. His potions are highly effective, but they come with unpredictable side effects.
  2. Mira the Baker: A warm-hearted and jovial halfling woman who runs the town’s bakery. She always seems to have her hand in some local charity work, but rumors suggest she may have connections to the local thieves’ guild.
  3. Sir Perceval the Retired Knight: A human veteran of many battles, now living out a peaceful retirement in the town. He has many stories of his adventures and could provide quests or wisdom to the players.
  4. Hedwig the Healer: A compassionate elven cleric who runs the local temple. She provides healing for the townsfolk and is known for her wisdom and sense of justice.
  5. Harald the Blacksmith: A burly dwarf with a fiery temper and a heart of gold. He’s an excellent craftsman and may be able to offer special weapons or armor to the players.
  6. Eveline the Innkeeper: A kind and welcoming woman who runs the local inn. She’s always up-to-date on local gossip, making her a good source of information for the players.
  7. Grimbold the Town Guard: A stern but fair town guard who is always on the lookout for trouble. He has a deep sense of duty and can be a valuable ally or a frustrating obstacle, depending on the players’ actions.
  8. Liliana the Librarian: A studious gnome who guards the town’s collection of books and scrolls with a zeal. She’s a bit eccentric, but she has a vast knowledge of the arcane and the region’s history.
  9. Thorn the Hermit: A wild druid who lives in the woods near the town. He can be a guide or a source of mystical wisdom.
  10. Varis the Pickpocket: A sneaky and resourceful halfling rogue. He’s known to have information on just about everyone and everything in the town, for a price.
  11. Nell the Seamstress: A charming half-elf who mends clothes and creates beautiful garments. She is an expert gossip and has a sharp eye for detail, making her more observant than most.
  12. Brom the Farmer: A hard-working human man who owns a large farm on the outskirts of town. He’s friendly and down-to-earth, but he’s been worried about strange occurrences on his farm recently.
  13. Lana the Barmaid: An attractive and charismatic woman who works at the local tavern. She’s popular among the townsfolk and often overhears interesting tidbits of information.
  14. Oren the Sage: A wise old gnome known for his extensive knowledge about a wide range of topics. He’s always up for an intellectual discussion, and his advice is often sought in times of crisis.
  15. Falco the Hunter: A gruff and solitary ranger, Falco supplies the town with game and protects it from monsters. He’s an expert in wilderness survival and local fauna.
  16. Seraphine the Fortune Teller: A mysterious tiefling woman who offers divination services. Some townsfolk swear by her predictions, while others dismiss her as a charlatan.
  17. Arvid the Fisherman: A burly man with a gentle demeanor. He’s often seen down by the river and knows its secrets better than anyone else. He might have information about strange happenings in or around the water.
  18. Alden the Carpenter: A friendly and reliable half-elf, Alden’s woodworking skills are unrivaled in the town. Whether it’s a simple repair or a magnificent piece of art, Alden is the person for the job.
  19. Helga the Herbalist: A knowledgeable dwarf woman who collects and sells herbs and plants. She knows a lot about local flora, including their medicinal and magical properties.
  20. Cyril the Gravekeeper: A gloomy yet kind-hearted human who maintains the town’s graveyard. Cyril is deeply superstitious and has many stories about ghosts and the undead.

Remember to give each character some personality and backstory to make your game more immersive and engaging.

See our other “Twenty Days” list: Twenty Days of Shops.

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