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Twenty Days of Townsfolk—Day Two—Mira the Baker

July 2, 2023

A warm-hearted and jovial halfling woman who runs the town’s bakery. She always seems to have her hand in some local charity work, but rumors suggest she may have connections to the local thieves’ guild.

Welcome to Day Two of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Townsfolk.


Standing at just 3 feet tall, Mira has a sturdy frame, her strength evident from years of kneading dough. Her curly chestnut hair is often tied back with a flour-dusted cloth, and her green eyes sparkle with laughter and kindness. A smudge of flour is almost permanently found on her rosy cheeks, and she has an ever-present warm smile that can soothe even the most troubled souls.


Race: Halfling

Class: Artisan

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 16


Baker. Mira owns and operates the town’s bakery, producing delicious pastries, breads, and other delights. Her shop is always filled with the mouth-watering scent of fresh-baked goods and the sound of her merry laughter.

Personality Quirks

Mira is generous and motherly, always ready to offer a kind word or a fresh pastry. She has a fondness for daisies and often decorates her bakery with them. Despite her jovial nature, Mira is surprisingly sharp and cunning, and she’s known for her ability to get things done efficiently.


Mira’s secret is that she is indeed connected to the local thieves’ guild. She uses her bakery as a front to launder some of the guild’s stolen money, and she sometimes provides safe houses for guild members in trouble. Despite her unlawful activities, Mira uses a portion of the laundered money to fund charities and support the town’s poor.

Potential Story Hooks

  1. The Heist: Mira asks the party to help her protect the bakery from an impending thieves’ guild heist, without letting them know of her connection with the guild. 
  2. Charitable Deeds: When the local orphanage faces closure due to a lack of funds, Mira turns to the adventurers to help her pull off a Robin-Hood-style caper against a greedy local merchant.
  3. Bread Crumbs: Mira’s bread is found at a crime scene. The players must determine whether Mira is being framed or if she’s involved in the crime.
  4. A Friend in Knead: Mira learns of a plot against a member of the thieves’ guild who has secretly been an informant for the city guards. She asks the party to intervene and ensure their safety.

Mira’s dual role as a lovable baker and a secret member of the thieves’ guild can add an intriguing layer of complexity to your game, potentially leading to some unexpected twists and turns in your story.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this character. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Townsfolk.

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