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Twenty Days of Townsfolk—Day Three—Sir Perceval the Retired Knight

July 3, 2023

A human veteran of many battles, now living out a peaceful retirement in the town. He has many stories of his adventures and could provide quests or wisdom to the players.

Welcome to Day Three of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Townsfolk.


Sir Perceval is a sturdy and imposing figure, though age has begun to stoop his shoulders and thin his once-bountiful head of hair. He stands at an impressive 6’2″ and retains the strong, muscular build of a seasoned warrior. His eyes hold a deep, serene wisdom, a testament to the countless battles he has fought. A well-maintained beard graces his face, peppered with grey and white. His armor may now be ceremonial, but it’s kept polished to a shine.


Race: Human

Class: Retired Fighter

Alignment: Lawful Good

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 14


Retired Knight. Sir Perceval spends his days sharing wisdom and stories with those who would listen. Often found at the local tavern, he enjoys an ale and the company of others, frequently relaying tales of his past exploits and battles.

Personality Quirks

Sir Perceval is chivalrous and values honor above all else. He tends to speak in old-fashioned terms and often starts conversations with “In my day…” Despite his gruff exterior, he has a soft spot for children and often regales them with stories of his knightly adventures.


Sir Perceval hides a tragic secret. His last battle ended in disaster, causing the death of his beloved squire. He blames himself for the tragedy, leading to his early retirement. He’s been seeking a way to atone for his perceived failure ever since.

Potential Story Hooks 

  1. The Fallen Squire: Sir Perceval could send the party on a quest to avenge or redeem his squire’s death. This could involve hunting a dangerous beast or monster, or retrieving a valuable artifact that was lost in the ill-fated battle.
  2. Knightly Trials: Inspired by the party, Sir Perceval decides to organize a tournament to bring some excitement to the town. The party members could participate in various challenges, or perhaps they uncover a plot to rig the tournament.
  3. Old Rivalries: An old rival of Sir Perceval arrives in town, threatening the peace. The party must help Perceval deal with this threat, which could involve combat, diplomatic negotiations, or uncovering dirt on the rival.
  4. Lost Heirloom: Sir Perceval’s ancestral weapon, a magical sword, is stolen. The party is tasked with tracking down the thief and returning the sword.

Involving a character like Sir Perceval can add depth to your campaign’s history and provide valuable mentorship opportunities for your players. Plus, his personal quests can lead to interesting adventures and development.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this character. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Townsfolk.

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