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Twenty Days of Townsfolk—Day Four—Hedwig the Healer

July 4, 2023

A compassionate elven cleric who runs the local temple. She provides healing for the townsfolk and is known for her wisdom and sense of justice.

Welcome to Day Four of our unique journey: Twenty Days of Townsfolk.


Hedwig is a serene figure, standing tall at 6 feet with an elegant posture characteristic of elves. Her hair, the color of moonlight, is usually tied in a simple braid that falls down her back. Her emerald eyes shimmer with compassion and wisdom. She is often clad in flowing robes of white and green, a symbol of her devotion to her deity and her commitment to healing.


Race: Elf

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 11

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 17

Charisma: 16


Healer/Cleric. Hedwig runs the local temple and provides healing services to the townsfolk. Her skills with divine magic make her a valuable asset to the community, and many come to her for both physical healing and spiritual guidance.

Personality Quirks

Hedwig has a calming presence and always seems to know what to say to comfort others. She is often seen in meditation, connecting with her deity. She has a passion for herbal teas and often prescribes them to her patients.


Hedwig carries a burden from her past: she had a vision from her deity that she would be forced to make a decision that could change the fate of her town. She is constantly seeking signs and omens to understand this prophecy.

Potential Story Hooks

  1. Divine Prophecy: Hedwig’s prophecy begins to come true, and she enlists the help of the party to navigate the challenges it presents. This could involve a looming threat to the town, an internal conflict, or a moral dilemma that the party needs to resolve.
  2. Sacred Ingredients: Hedwig requires a rare herb for a special healing ritual. The herb only grows in a dangerous or inaccessible location, and she needs the party’s help to retrieve it.
  3. The Missing Healer: Hedwig suddenly goes missing, and the town is left without its primary source of healing. The party is tasked with finding her and uncovering what happened.
  4. Crisis of Faith: A circumstance shakes Hedwig’s faith, and she asks the party to help her restore it. This could involve a pilgrimage, a divine test, or a confrontation with a person or entity challenging her belief.

As a central figure in the community, Hedwig’s troubles can become a pivotal part of the storyline, providing an array of opportunities for the characters to engage in heroic deeds and challenging moral choices.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this character. 

Go to the master post for Twenty Days of Townsfolk.

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