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Mudhif Village

July 24, 2023

Welcome to Mudhif Village, a setting crafted for an RPG campaign inspired by the floating houses of Iraq. If you’re intrigued by the real-life location that served as our inspiration, you’ll find an article on the Floating Houses of Iraq or the Mesopotamian Venice that offers deeper insights. The beauty of Mudhif Village lies in its system-agnostic nature, allowing seamless integration into a myriad of RPG systems such as D&D, Pathfinder, Numenera, Earthdawn, and many others. So, embark on a thrilling adventure and immerse yourself in the wonders of this extraordinary village

Mudhif Village


Mudhif Village is a small settlement situated in a wetland area reminiscent of the Mesopotamian Venice. The village consists of a collection of floating houses called “mudhifs” constructed using traditional methods passed down through generations. These mudhifs are made entirely of locally sourced materials such as mud, rushes, and reeds. They are designed to float on the water, interconnected by a network of wooden walkways.


Mudhif Village can be set in a remote and lush wetland region, surrounded by vast marshes and reed beds. The village is accessible primarily by small boats or by traversing the intricate network of waterways that crisscross the area.


The inhabitants of Mudhif Village are a resilient and resourceful people who have managed to revive their way of life after enduring years of displacement and environmental destruction. They have a deep connection to the land and water, relying on fishing, hunting, and cultivating the surrounding wetlands for their sustenance.


The villagers embrace a communal lifestyle, working together to ensure the survival and prosperity of their community. They have a strong sense of kinship and cooperation, often gathering in the central mudhif, which serves as a common meeting space for socializing, decision-making, and celebrating local traditions and festivals.


The villagers engage in various economic activities, including fishing, boat-building, crafting, and trading. They have developed skills in working with the local materials, creating beautiful handicrafts, intricate weavings, and unique wooden carvings that attract merchants and visitors from nearby settlements.


While Mudhif Village has made progress in recovering from past environmental devastation, it still faces challenges. Clean water and sanitation remain significant concerns, requiring ongoing efforts to restore the ecosystem and improve living conditions. The villagers also have to contend with occasional flooding, hostile wildlife, and the ever-present threat of political unrest or encroachment from outside forces.

Quest Hooks

  1. Restoring the Ecosystem: The village elders seek the aid of adventurers to assist in a series of quests aimed at restoring the wetland ecosystem. This may involve purifying contaminated water sources, defending against invasive species, or uncovering ancient rituals to bring balance back to the land.
  2. Diplomatic Relations: The village wishes to establish better relations with neighboring settlements, but tensions and mistrust exist due to past conflicts. The players are tasked with mediating negotiations and fostering diplomacy to secure trade agreements and forge alliances.
  3. The Lost Artifact: Legends speak of a powerful artifact hidden deep within the marshes. The villagers believe it holds the key to their prosperity. The players are enlisted to embark on a perilous expedition, navigating treacherous waters and confronting natural and supernatural guardians to retrieve the artifact.

By incorporating these elements into your RPG campaign, you can create an immersive experience for your players, capturing the essence of the floating houses of Iraq while infusing it with your own unique storytelling and gameplay elements.

Here are a few NPC characters you can include in Mudhif Village

  1. Hasan Al-Mudhifi: The wise village elder, Hasan, is the respected leader of Mudhif Village. He possesses extensive knowledge of the wetlands, traditions, and ancient customs. Hasan is known for his storytelling abilities and serves as a mentor and guide to the players, offering advice, quests, and insights into the village’s history.
  2. Leila Al-Rasheed: Leila is a skilled fisherwoman and herbalist. She knows the wetlands like the back of her hand and can provide the players with valuable information about local wildlife, plants, and natural remedies. Leila is known for her warm heart and willingness to share her knowledge with those who seek it.
  3. Amira Abbas: Amira is a talented boat builder and craftswoman. She constructs and repairs the traditional wooden boats that are essential for transportation in the marshes. Amira can offer the players assistance in acquiring and maintaining boats, as well as commissioning custom-made vessels for specific purposes.
  4. Khalid Al-Jabouri: Khalid is the village hunter and tracker. He possesses exceptional skills in navigating the marshes, tracking elusive prey, and defending the village from dangerous creatures. Khalid can provide the players with hunting quests, teach them survival skills, and share stories about encounters with mythical creatures lurking in the wetlands.
  5. Zara Al-Hakim: Zara is an aspiring storyteller and historian, fascinated by the ancient tales and folklore of the region. She collects and preserves the oral traditions of the village, documenting the stories passed down through generations. Zara can share captivating legends, provide insight into the cultural significance of the mudhifs, and engage the players in quests related to the village’s history.
  6. Malik Ibrahim: Malik is a skilled weaver and artisan, specializing in creating intricate textiles and woven goods from the reeds and rushes found in the wetlands. He can offer the players quests involving the gathering of rare materials and teach them the art of weaving, allowing them to create unique items and trade goods.

Remember to add depth to these characters by including personal backstories, motivations, and individual quirks. This will make them more interesting and memorable for your players, enhancing the overall roleplaying experience in Mudhif Village.

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