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August 12, 2023
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Humans of UmbraMundus


Humans in UmbraMundus are as diverse and adaptable as they are known to be across countless worlds, their cultures and societies molded by the ceaseless interplay of light and darkness that defines their home.

The humans of Lumina have become an embodiment of light in many ways. Their skin has adapted to the constant exposure to Aureus’ rays, glowing with a faint iridescence that varies in hue from one individual to another. Hair colors range from golden blond to coppery red, mirroring the dazzling radiance of their environment. They are renowned for their unyielding spirit, creative thinking, and artistic prowess. Lumina humans have mastered the art of light magic and have developed many technologies and architectures that utilize Aureus’ ever-present energy.

On the other hand, the humans of Tenebris present a stark contrast. Their skin is pale, almost luminescent against the eternal darkness, and their eyes have adapted to see even in the lowest light conditions, often glowing slightly in the dark. Hair colors tend to be dark, ranging from deep blues to obsidian black. Tenebris humans are known for their survivalist spirit, cunning intellect, and somber wisdom. Living in a land shrouded in constant darkness, they have mastered shadow magic and have an impressive understanding of the nocturnal ecosystem.

Despite these differences, humans across UmbraMundus share a characteristic trait of adaptability and a drive to survive and thrive in their unique environments. This adaptable nature makes them ideal adventurers, willing to explore and confront the challenges that their world presents.

Culture and Society

The societies of humans, whether in Lumina or Tenebris, are largely influenced by their environment. Lumina humans live in gleaming cities of crystal and light, with a social structure that promotes creativity, enlightenment, and community. They celebrate numerous light-based festivals, with grand displays of magic, art, and technology.

Tenebris humans, on the other hand, live in cities carved into the landscape, using the natural terrain for protection against the nocturnal predators. Their society values resourcefulness, strength, and wisdom. They have a rich tradition of storytelling, using tales and legends to pass knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.

Classes and Occupations

Depending on their environment, humans can be found in all sorts of occupations. In Lumina, you may find many scholars, mages, artisans, and engineers, while in Tenebris, hunters, shadowmancers, survivalists, and loremasters are common. Human adaptability also allows them to excel in various classes, making them skilled fighters, cunning rogues, knowledgeable wizards, or devout clerics.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A faction of Lumina humans seeks help against a looming threat that aims to dim their beloved Aureus.
  2. A group of Tenebris humans has stumbled upon a clue leading to one of the artifacts and needs protection as they venture to find it.
  3. An ancient prophecy speaks of a human who can traverse the realms of light and darkness without harm. Is it one of the party members?
  4. Human settlements from Lumina and Tenebris come into conflict over a resource located in the twilight zone.
  5. A human scholar in Lumina has discovered a breakthrough in light magic but has been kidnapped, while in Tenebris, a shadowmancer has found a new use for darkness but has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Are these events connected?

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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