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August 13, 2023
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Orcs of UmbraMundus


The orcs of UmbraMundus, much like their human counterparts, have been shaped by the unique conditions of this dichotomous world.

Orcs in Lumina are a rare sight. A few have embraced the light, their green skin taking on a slightly more luminous hue due to constant exposure to Aureus. These orcs have broader and more open faces with eyes adapted to the bright conditions, often exhibiting vibrant blues, greens, or golden hues. They have developed an affinity for the forces of light, with many becoming skilled clerics or paladins of Aureus. Despite their small numbers, Lumina orcs have proven that they can overcome the prejudices against their kind and make significant contributions to their communities.

The majority of orcs dwell in Tenebris, where the eternal darkness resonates with their traditionally fierce and hardy nature. Their skin is an even darker green, almost black in certain light, their facial features are more pronounced, and their eyes are a glowing red or orange, evolved to see in the darkness. Tenebris orcs have harnessed the power of shadow, becoming formidable warriors and shadowmancers, capable of manipulating darkness to their advantage.

Culture and Society

Orcs in Lumina have embraced the culture of enlightenment and creativity, often becoming exceptional craftsmen, architects, and even scholars. They celebrate the same light festivals as other Luminites and have slowly begun to incorporate their ancestral traditions into these celebrations.

Tenebris orcs live in tribal societies, each tribe led by the strongest warrior or the most potent shadowmancer. The darkness of Tenebris has amplified the orcs’ traditional respect for strength and combat prowess. However, they also honor cunning and resourcefulness, essential qualities for survival in this land of perpetual night.

Classes and Occupations

Lumina orcs, due to their affinity for light and their environment, often become paladins, clerics, or fighters, while Tenebris orcs, leveraging their natural strength and newfound shadow powers, are often barbarians, warlocks, or rangers. Their hardy nature also makes them excellent survivalists, hunters, and gatherers.

Adventure Hooks

  1. An orcish tribe in Tenebris has found a fragment of a map leading to an artifact and needs the party’s help to decipher and follow it.
  2. A Lumina orc has visions of Aureus being eclipsed, foretelling a dire threat that needs to be confronted.
  3. The leader of a Tenebris orc tribe has been corrupted by an unknown dark power. The tribe seeks help to liberate their leader from this corruption.
  4. A Lumina orc wishes to prove that orcs can be heroes of light and asks the party to help them perform a great deed that will benefit the whole of Lumina.
  5. In the twilight zone between Lumina and Tenebris, an orcish settlement is under attack by creatures that seem to be made of pure shadow. The orcs seek help to defend their settlement and find the source of these shadow creatures.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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