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August 14, 2023
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Elves of UmbraMundus


Elves in UmbraMundus, much like the humans and orcs, have been shaped by the unique conditions of this dichotomous world. 

The elves in Lumina, known as Sun Elves, are beings of luminous beauty. Their skin is golden, hair color ranges from platinum to light golden, and their eyes resemble sunlit pools. Due to constant exposure to Aureus, they have developed an affinity for light magic, often mastering spells that harness the power of the star.

The elves of Tenebris, known as Shadow Elves or Shadar-Kai, are stark contrasts to their Lumina counterparts. Their skin is a pale, almost ghostly white, while their hair ranges from pure black to silver. Their eyes are an ethereal silver or violet, adapted to see in the darkness of Tenebris. They have harnessed the power of the shadow, becoming adept at using shadow magic.

Culture and Society

Sun Elves live in splendid cities of crystal and light, their architecture reflecting the influence of Aureus. They are generally seen as a peaceful and enlightened race, with a culture that values knowledge, artistry, and harmony with nature. They celebrate the light of Aureus through various festivals and ceremonies.

Shadow Elves live in hidden cities deep within the terrain of Tenebris. They are seen as a more brooding and serious race, their society built around survival in the eternal darkness. They have a deep connection to shadow, which permeates their rituals, architecture, and even their day-to-day life.

Classes and Occupations

Sun Elves, due to their affinity for light, often become wizards, clerics, or rangers, while Shadow Elves, leveraging their natural agility and shadow magic, are often rogues, warlocks, or sorcerers. Their deep connection with their respective elements also makes them excellent scribes, alchemists, and researchers.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A group of Sun Elves seeks the party’s aid in protecting a sacred site that is said to have a direct connection to Aureus, which is being threatened by unknown forces.
  2. A Shadow Elf has had a vision of a rising power that threatens to consume Tenebris in an even deeper darkness and seeks the party’s help to confront it.
  3. A Shadow Elf artifact, known to control the power of the shadows, has been stolen, causing disturbances in the shadow magic. The party is asked to retrieve it.
  4. The party is invited to a light festival in a Sun Elf city where, during the celebrations, a major magical accident occurs that needs to be investigated.
  5. A Sun Elf scholar has discovered an ancient text that hints at the existence of an artifact in Tenebris and enlists the party’s aid to venture into the dark continent.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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