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August 15, 2023
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Goblins of UmbraMundus


In UmbraMundus, goblins have been shaped by the everlasting night of Tenebris. They have pale, almost luminescent skin, and their eyes are wide and sensitive, allowing them to see in the faintest light. Their hair ranges from pure white to gray, matching the bleak landscape of their homeland. 

Culture and Society

The goblins of Tenebris have developed a matriarchal society, with clans led by the oldest and most cunning female. Living in the endless darkness has made them resourceful, clever, and hardy. Their settlements are often built underground or within dense forests, making use of natural shadow and camouflage.

Goblin society is, out of necessity, communal. Resources in Tenebris can be sparse and every member of a clan has a role to play to ensure their survival. Despite their harsh environment, goblins also have a rich tradition of storytelling and music, with oral histories and songs passed down through generations.

Classes and Occupations

Goblins have adapted to their dark environment in various ways. Many become skilled rogues or hunters, utilizing the shadows to their advantage. Goblin shamans and sorcerers harness the power of the darkness in their magic, and their artificers craft ingenious tools and traps to protect their settlements.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A goblin clan’s sacred relic has been stolen by a rival clan, sparking a potential war. The party is asked to retrieve it and prevent conflict.
  2. A goblin shaman has had a vision of the Umbra Shard and believes she can find it. She hires the party to escort her through the dangers of Tenebris to its supposed location.
  3. The party encounters a group of goblins who have been exiled from their clan. They claim they were unjustly banished and ask for the party’s help in proving their innocence.
  4. Goblins have been mysteriously disappearing from a settlement. An investigation reveals that they’ve been taken by an unknown force, and the party is tasked to uncover the truth.
  5. A young goblin has somehow developed the ability to create light, a rare and frightening power in Tenebris. The party is hired to protect the child from those who fear or want to exploit this power.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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