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August 16, 2023

Gnomes of UmbraMundus


Gnomes in UmbraMundus are inquisitive and ingenious beings, highly adapted to their unique environments. 

Gnomes in Lumina, known as Day Gnomes, have skin in shades of bright earth tones, from golden brown to rich clay, with hair from honey-blond to auburn. Their eyes are typically bright and warm colors such as gold or bright green. Exposed to continuous sunlight, they have developed traits and abilities to harness the power of light.

In Tenebris, gnomes, known as Night Gnomes, display an incredible adaptation to their dark environment. They have skin tones ranging from pale gray to dark slate, and their hair ranges from silver to deep black. Their eyes are incredibly sensitive, usually in shades of light silver to deep violet, enabling them to see in the near-perfect darkness of Tenebris. They’ve developed traits to survive and harness the power of shadows.

Culture and Society

Day Gnomes build their homes and cities amid the towering vegetation of Lumina, using the light of Aureus to create vibrant, gleaming settlements full of life and energy. Their society values discovery and invention, and they’re known for their sun-powered contraptions and light-infused gadgets.

Night Gnomes, on the other hand, create their homes within the shadowy crevices and caves of Tenebris. Their society is built around adaptation and survival. Despite the eternal darkness, they create beautifully eerie cities lit by bioluminescent fungi and crystals, and they are well known for their shadow-cloaked machinery and gadgets.

Classes and Occupations

Day Gnomes, with their natural curiosity and the eternal daylight, often become inventors, scholars, or mages, focusing their magic on illumination and radiance. Night Gnomes, in contrast, are often rogues, artificers, or warlocks, leveraging the shadows in their inventions and magic.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A Day Gnome inventor has created a device that captures and stores sunlight but it malfunctions, causing a small area of Lumina to plunge into darkness. The party is asked to help fix the situation.
  2. Night Gnomes have discovered a new bioluminescent creature in the depths of Tenebris. It seems to be harmless, but recently, other creatures have started to act strangely around it, causing disruptions in their city. 
  3. A young Night Gnome has gone missing in the dark forests of Tenebris. The party is asked to aid in the search.
  4. An artifact from the ancient Day Gnome civilization that could potentially harness the power of the Solis Shard has been discovered. However, it’s incomplete, and the party is tasked to find the missing pieces.
  5. A Day Gnome city comes under attack by an unknown force of darkness. The city’s defenses, mainly designed to use light, are ineffective. The party needs to help repel the attack and investigate the source of this darkness.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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