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August 17, 2023
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Drow of UmbraMundus


The Drow, or dark elves, of UmbraMundus, retain their dark skin and white or silver hair, a visual adaptation to their home in Tenebris. They are known for their captivatingly eerie, glow-in-the-dark eyes, a consequence of their evolution in the eternally dark land, enabling them to see perfectly in absolute darkness.

Culture and Society

The Drow have carved out their civilization deep within Tenebris’s caverns and have mastered living in darkness. They have built massive cities, carved into and around towering stalactites and stalagmites, illuminated by bioluminescent flora and magical lights. Their society is highly organized and militaristic, with an intense focus on survival and dominance in their harsh environment.

While some Drow societies continue to be matriarchal, others have evolved into egalitarian structures over time. Nonetheless, all Drow societies in Tenebris value cunning, strength, and adaptability. 

Classes and Occupations

Due to their harsh environment and competitive society, many Drow train as warriors, rogues, and wizards from a young age. They also have a unique class of arcane spellcasters known as the Shadow Weavers, who specialize in shadow and illusion magic.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A Drow city has been invaded by a horde of shadow beasts from the deeper darkness, forcing the Drow to ask outsiders for assistance.
  2. An ancient prophecy among the Drow foretells the coming of a dark comet that will bring about a new age of power for Tenebris. The Drow want to ensure this prophecy comes true.
  3. A Drow rogue has stolen a potent artifact from Lumina and is now on the run. The adventurers are hired to retrieve the artifact.
  4. A Drow wizard has found a way to harness the darkness of Tenebris to create a new magical power source, but the process is causing the local environment to wither and die.
  5. A Drow city is in turmoil after the ruling matriarch was assassinated, and various factions are vying for control. The adventurers are asked to assist in preventing a civil war.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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