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August 18, 2023
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Dwarves of UmbraMundus


The dwarves of UmbraMundus are sturdy and resilient, as they are in most worlds, but they have adapted to the dichotomy of light and shadow in their own ways. Those living in Lumina, known as Sun Dwarves, have bronze-toned skin that reflects the constant sunlight. The Shadow Dwarves of Tenebris, on the other hand, have a deep gray to almost black complexion, with eyes that sparkle like gems in the dark. 

Culture and Society

Dwarves, regardless of their location, value hard work, craftsmanship, and kinship. The Sun Dwarves of Lumina are known for their exquisite creations of glass and gemstones, their wares catching the sunlight in dazzling displays. Their cities are often built into mountains, with expansive windows and skylights to let the constant sunlight pour in. 

In contrast, Shadow Dwarves are master miners and stoneworkers, their cities etched into the heart of Tenebris’ dark mountains. They have developed a deep connection with the shadow-infused stones of their homeland, using them to create shadow-forged weapons and tools of remarkable strength and sharpness.

Classes and Occupations

Dwarves in UmbraMundus are typically warriors, blacksmiths, miners, and craftsmen. Sun Dwarves often have clerics and paladins in their ranks who worship the light of Aureus, while Shadow Dwarves boast of rogues and warlocks who have harnessed the power of the shadows to their advantage.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A Sun Dwarf city has been attacked by a monstrous creature of shadow, rumored to be from Tenebris. The dwarves need help defending their home and driving the beast back into the darkness.
  2. A Shadow Dwarf blacksmith has discovered a new, shadow-infused ore that could change the balance of power in Tenebris. Factions across the dark continent are interested, and the blacksmith seeks protection.
  3. The ancient runic tablets of a dwarf ancestor have been stolen. The tablets are said to contain the location of a hidden Sun Dwarf city full of treasures.
  4. A civil war threatens to erupt between Sun Dwarf and Shadow Dwarf clans over an ancient grudge. The adventurers are tasked with preventing the war and bringing about peace.
  5. Shadow Dwarves have tunneled into a dangerous subterranean realm filled with terrifying creatures and ancient magic. They require brave adventurers to explore and secure the area.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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