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August 19, 2023
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Tieflings of UmbraMundus


The tieflings of UmbraMundus are as varied as the world itself. In Lumina, their infernal heritage is softened by the constant light, and their skin tones often reflect warm hues such as amber, gold, and ruby. Their counterparts in Tenebris, however, have skin tones of deep purples, blues, and blacks, allowing them to blend into the perpetual darkness. 

Culture and Society

Tieflings in Lumina often face prejudice due to their fiendish origins, but they are also recognized for their resilience and adaptability. Many have become prominent scholars, artisans, and magic users, utilizing the constant sunlight to develop new forms of magic and technology. 

In Tenebris, tieflings are more widely accepted, with their night vision and adaptability to darkness being highly valued. Many are leaders or advisors in their societies, and some have even established their own city-states within the eternal night.

Classes and Occupations

Given their natural inclination towards magic, many tieflings become wizards, sorcerers, or warlocks. They are also often seen as rogues, fighters, and bards. Their charismatic nature makes them excellent diplomats and traders, and their keen intellect lends itself to scholarly pursuits.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A Lumina tiefling wizard has made a breakthrough in solar magic but has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The party is hired to find them and uncover the secret of their new magic.
  2. A group of tiefling rebels in Tenebris is causing havoc, hoping to overthrow the ruling class and establish a society where tieflings are no longer marginalized.
  3. A tiefling artifact of great power, believed to be a relic of their fiendish ancestors, has been stolen. The adventurers are tasked with retrieving it.
  4. An ancient prophecy predicts a tiefling from the borderlands will bring about the Grey Dawn. Different factions seek this individual for their own purposes, and the party is caught in the middle.
  5. A tiefling in Lumina, fed up with the discrimination they face, has begun rallying others like them, hoping to establish a haven for tieflings. They need help with various tasks to make this dream a reality.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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