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August 20, 2023
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Halflings of UmbraMundus


Halflings in UmbraMundus share the familiar small stature of their counterparts in other settings, standing around three feet tall on average. In Lumina, halflings have developed a lighter complexion due to their constant exposure to Aureus. Their hair varies from sun-kissed blond to vibrant auburn, while their eyes can range from shades of sky blue to brilliant gold.

Culture and Society

Halflings in Lumina favor peaceful, pastoral lives. They’ve built their homes in the heart of Lumina’s rolling hills and along the sparkling rivers, leading a life in sync with the rhythm of the ever-present sun. They’re known for their hospitality, their love for good food, and their community-centric life.

Halfling society values harmony, hard work, and community above all else. Each member of the community has a role to play, and they take great pride in their duties, whether it’s farming, cooking, crafting, or storytelling.

Classes and Occupations

Most halflings engage in professions that cater to their love for a serene life, such as farming, brewing, baking, fishing, and crafting. However, some are drawn to a life of adventure. These halflings often become rogues, rangers, or even paladins, always ready to defend their home and community.

Adventure Hooks

  1. A great feast is to be held in a halfling village, and the adventurers have been invited. During the feast, a precious artifact goes missing and the adventurers are asked to find it.
  2. A halfling farmer has discovered a strange, glowing seed. When planted, it grows rapidly into a massive, golden tree that starts to attract unwanted attention.
  3. A halfling child has wandered off into Glimmergrove Forest and hasn’t returned. The village asks the adventurers to brave the luminescent forest and bring the child back safely.
  4. A rare celestial event is about to happen, which according to halfling legends, will cause their river to run dry. The adventurers are asked to find a way to prevent this calamity.
  5. A mysterious illness has swept through a halfling village, and the only cure is a rare herb that grows in the dangerous wilderness of Lumina. The adventurers are tasked with retrieving this herb.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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