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UmbraMundus—The Star—Aureus

August 21, 2023
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Aureus, the Star of UmbraMundus

Aureus isn’t just a celestial entity; it is the heart and soul of UmbraMundus, a star that holds more significance than merely casting its golden rays upon the planet.

Physical Appearance

Aureus shines with a luminous, iridescent hue, casting a golden light that is both mesmerizing and unique. It appears larger in the sky than other stars, with radiant tendrils flaring out intermittently, giving it the appearance of a celestial flower in bloom.

Mystical Properties

The light from Aureus isn’t just illuminative. It carries enchanting properties that give Lumina its energy and vitality. Magic, especially that practiced by Luminarans, draws heavily from the energy of Aureus.

During certain celestial events, like when Aureus aligns with other stars or planets, its power surges, leading to enhanced magical abilities or the appearance of rare mystical phenomena on UmbraMundus.

Cyclical Phases

Much like a moon’s phases, Aureus goes through a series of cycles that influence the balance between Lumina and Tenebris. When Aureus is at its brightest, Lumina experiences a surge of energy, prosperity, and growth. During its dimmer phases, Tenebris gains prominence, and its inhabitants become more potent.

These phases are predictable, and over millennia, the civilizations of Lumina and Tenebris have based their calendars, festivals, and significant rituals around them.

Cultural Significance

To the inhabitants of Lumina, Aureus is a symbol of hope, growth, and enlightenment. They believe that their ancestors came from the heart of Aureus, and when they pass on, their spirits return to the golden star.

Tenebris inhabitants have a more complex relationship with Aureus. They respect its power but also see it as a challenge to overcome. The dimmer phases are their times of celebration, where the star’s retreat allows them to come into their full might.

The Aureus Eclipse

Every few millennia, a rare celestial event occurs known as the Aureus Eclipse. During this time, a mysterious celestial body passes between UmbraMundus and Aureus, casting the world into temporary darkness. It’s a time of uncertainty, where the balance between Lumina and Tenebris becomes blurred. Both realms experience a mix of their energies, leading to unpredictable events, magical anomalies, and sometimes, temporary alliances between Lumina and Tenebris to face shared challenges.

The Aureus Eclipse should not be confused with the passing of  Lunumbra between Aureus and UmbraMundus. The details of that will be found in UmbraMundus—Calendar.

Origin Myths

There are countless myths about Aureus’s origin. Some say it was the first entity in the cosmos, its light giving birth to the universe. Others believe that it is the eye of a vast celestial deity, watching over UmbraMundus and guiding its fate.

Aureus is more than just a star. It is the lifeline of UmbraMundus, a celestial entity whose phases dictate the rhythms of life, magic, and culture on the planet.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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