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August 22, 2023

This post aims to provide Dungeon Masters with ideas for crafting a calendar for this setting. Using Lunumbra’s orbit around UmbraMundus as a foundation for the calendar is logical, particularly in a world where the sun, Aureus, remains stationary. The phases of the moon, or its full orbit, would represent one of the most consistent and noticeable celestial changes in the sky.

Here’s how you might set it up:

  1. Lunar Phases: Given the emphasis on light and dark in UmbraMundus, the phases of Lunumbra would be significant. Each phase could mark a week or a specific period in the month:
    1. New Lunumbra: When Lunumbra is between UmbraMundus and Aureus. It’s mostly dark, with only a slight outline visible. Represents new beginnings.
    2. Crescent Phase: As Lunumbra moves, a crescent shape becomes illuminated. A time of growth and building momentum.
    3. Half Lunumbra: Half of the moon is visible. Represents balance and reflection.
    4. Gibbous Phase: More than half but not fully illuminated. A period of anticipation and preparation.
    5. Full Lunumbra: The moon is fully illuminated by Aureus. A time of celebration, culmination, and realization.
  2. Lunar Months: If we consider each phase to last roughly a week, then Lunumbra’s full orbit (a lunar month) would be around 4 weeks or 28 days. Over the course of a year, there would be about 13 such lunar months.
  3. Lunar Year: The lunar year would be based on the number of lunar months it takes for Lunumbra to complete its cycle around UmbraMundus. If you’d like to keep it simple and familiar, you could have a 364-day year, consisting of 13 lunar months, each 28 days long.
  4. Special Days or Intercalary Days: To keep the calendar accurate and in sync with any potential seasonal or astronomical changes (if any exist), you might include a few special days that fall outside the regular months. These could be festival days or days of reflection.
  5. Cultural Significance: Given the dichotomy of light and shadow in UmbraMundus, Lunumbra’s phases might have deep cultural, religious, or mystical significance. For example:
    1. Rituals or festivals could be held during the Full Lunumbra to celebrate the unity of light and dark.
    2. New Lunumbra might be a time for personal reflection, new beginnings, or setting intentions for the month ahead.
  6. Naming Conventions: The months could be named after historical events, deities, constellations, or any other culturally significant phenomena in UmbraMundus.
  7. Counting Years: UmbraMundus’s inhabitants might count years based on significant historical events, like the discovery of the shards, the establishment of a major faction, or a cosmic event.

Using Lunumbra’s orbit as the basis for the calendar offers not only a practical way to mark time but also infuses the calendar with cultural and symbolic meaning, making it a rich element in the world-building of UmbraMundus.

Let’s delve deeper into the calendar and flesh out the nuances. 

Lunar Months and Their Significance

  1. Luminaris: The first month, marking the start of the calendar year. Celebrated with festivals of lights in Lumina and shadow dances in Tenebris. It symbolizes hope and new beginnings.
  2. Aurealis: Named after Aureus, this month has days dedicated to worshipping the eternal sun. Parades showcasing solar motifs are common.
  3. Nocturne: A month of reflection and quiet contemplation. Many choose this time to embark on spiritual retreats or seek solitude in nature.
  4. Luminae: The peak of the farming season in the Shining Plains. Communities come together for harvest festivals and feasts.
  5. Tenebria: A month where the world embraces the beauty of the night. Star-gazing events and nocturnal creature appreciation ceremonies are held.
  6. Radiance: Celebrates arts and creativity. Many towns and cities in Lumina organize art fairs and music festivals during this month.
  7. Obscura: A month of mysteries and unveiling secrets. Theatrical plays depicting ancient tales and myths are popular during this time.
  8. Solstice: Not necessarily related to an actual solstice, but a time to honor balance. Both Lumina and Tenebris engage in traditions to ensure peace and equilibrium in their regions.
  9. Lunaria: A month dedicated to the moon, Lunumbra. It’s believed to be the most magical month, and many arcane rituals are performed during this time.
  10. Greygleam: A month that honors the Grey Guild and its principles. Neutral territories see trading fairs and diplomatic summits.
  11. Illuminata: Named in honor of The Illuminators. Celebrations focus on maintaining the balance between light and shadow.
  12. Shadowrend: Dedicated to The Shadows’ Edge. A time for Tenebrites to celebrate their heritage and strength.
  13. Unity: The final month, focusing on the merging of light and shadow. Communities across UmbraMundus host unity festivals, bringing together Luminites and Tenebrites in a spirit of harmony.

Special Days

  1. Eclipse Day: Falls between Solstice and Lunaria. A day when an eclipse (solar or lunar) is believed to occur, symbolizing the perfect harmony between light and dark. Major festivals and rituals are organized on this day.
  2. Dawn’s Breath: The day before Luminaris. It’s a day of reflection, looking back at the past year and setting intentions for the next. Fires are lit across both continents, symbolizing the eternal flame of Aureus.
  3. Dusk’s Whisper: The day after Unity. A quieter day, where people rest from the festivities of the year-end and spend time with family. It’s a time of stories, myths, and legends, where elders share tales of old with the younger generation.

Counting Years

The years could be named in cycles, with each cycle being 13 years (to match the 13 lunar months). Every cycle could be associated with a particular celestial event, creature, or deity.

For example:

  • Cycle of the Phoenix: Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings.
  • Cycle of the Serpent: Representing wisdom, knowledge, and growth.

The current year might be “The 5th Year of the Phoenix Cycle,” and so on.

This lunar-based calendar, with its rich cultural and religious significance, would be a focal point in the lives of the inhabitants of UmbraMundus, guiding their rituals, festivals, and daily activities.

Here’s a list of year cycles for UmbraMundus, each with its own significance:

  1. Cycle of the Phoenix: Symbolizing rebirth, regeneration, and a fresh start. This cycle celebrates new beginnings and is often seen as a time for great change and progress.
  2. Cycle of the Serpent: Representing wisdom, cunning, and growth. This cycle is considered a time of learning, discovery, and expansion.
  3. Cycle of the Wolf: Symbolizing unity, strength in numbers, and loyalty. During this cycle, tribes, families, and communities often come closer, forming stronger bonds.
  4. Cycle of the Stag: Representing grace, majesty, and leadership. This cycle often sees the rise of great leaders and rulers.
  5. Cycle of the Owl: Symbolizing knowledge, the mysteries of the night, and keen insight. Scholars, mages, and seekers of wisdom often thrive during this period.
  6. Cycle of the Bear: Representing raw strength, protection, and bravery. This cycle is a time of heroes and great feats of strength.
  7. Cycle of the Comet: Symbolizing rare opportunities, wonders, and celestial events. Unusual and unique occurrences often take place during this cycle.
  8. Cycle of the Lynx: Representing secrets, agility, and silent observation. A time for mysteries to be unveiled and for quiet strategies to take shape.
  9. Cycle of the Kraken: Symbolizing depth, power, and the unknowns of the world. This cycle speaks of deep-sea adventures, exploration, and challenging the unknown.
  10. Cycle of the Falcon: Representing vision, speed, and the vast sky. This cycle is all about exploring new horizons and taking on swift challenges.
  11. Cycle of the Willow: Symbolizing resilience, flexibility, and endurance. This cycle teaches the people of UmbraMundus the importance of bending and not breaking.
  12. Cycle of the Chimera: Representing dreams, illusions, and the blend of realities. During this cycle, the boundaries between realms blur, leading to wondrous and sometimes eerie events.
  13. Cycle of the Stone: Symbolizing unyielding determination, foundation, and ageless wisdom. This cycle stands for building legacies and forging futures on solid ground.

Each cycle lends its own character to the years it governs, influencing events, culture, and even personal decisions. The cycles would also likely have their own associated festivals, traditions, and rituals that make them distinct from one another.

Abilities reset

Without a conventional day/night cycle, UmbraMundus would have to rely on different methods to track the passage of time and determine when abilities reset. Here are some alternative ideas:

  1. Lunumbra Cycle: Instead of days, the cycle of Lunumbra, UmbraMundus’s moon, would play a pivotal role. If the moon has phases, they can define the “periods” or “intervals.” For instance, spells that recharge “once a day” in standard D&D could recharge during a particular phase of Lunumbra, such as at its zenith or nadir. 
  2. Tidal Forces: Even without a day/night cycle, the gravitational influence of a moon could cause tides. The ebb and flow of tides could be used as a marker of time. Abilities that normally recharge daily could instead recharge with a high tide or low tide.
  3. Aureus Flares: Perhaps Aureus, the star, has periodic increases in brightness or energy flares. These could be predictable, perhaps every 24 hours or so, and could serve as a natural “reset” point for spells and abilities.
  4. Bioluminescent Clocks: Certain bioluminescent organisms in Lumina could have their internal rhythms. These creatures could glow brighter or dimmer at regular intervals, providing a natural clock for inhabitants. In Tenebris, certain fungi or deep-sea creatures could serve a similar purpose.
  5. Hourglass or Mechanical Clocks: Advanced societies could have developed time-keeping instruments to maintain a sense of structure and routine. Even without a sun to rise and set, 24-hour rhythms can be crucial for biological and societal reasons.
  6. Magical Resonance: Perhaps in the world of UmbraMundus, there are ley lines or magic nexuses that ebb and flow with power. These surges in magic could occur periodically and serve as a reset for spellcasters.
  7. Rest and Activity: Biological necessity still requires creatures to rest. The inhabitants could have adapted their own internal clocks, regardless of external light conditions. A full rest could be equivalent to a “day” for the purposes of recharging abilities and spells.
  8. Cultural Rituals: Various cultures in UmbraMundus could have different rituals that demarcate time, like ringing bells, communal songs, or daily ceremonies. Participating in or witnessing these could serve as a reset point for certain abilities.

When adapting D&D mechanics, the key is to ensure that the game remains balanced while keeping the unique flavor of your world. Abilities that recharge “once a day” should have roughly the same frequency of recharging in UmbraMundus, even if the concept of a “day” is different.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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