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UmbraMundus—Shards of the Grey Dawn

August 27, 2023
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Shards of the Grey Dawn

Each artifact has a connection to either light, darkness, or the in-between, which reflects the world of UmbraMundus. They are known collectively as the “Shards of the Grey Dawn.” 

Solis Shard: This artifact, tied to the realm of light, is said to be a fragment of Aureus itself. The Solis Shard shines with an ever-burning light and is rumored to have the power to dispel any darkness, no matter how profound. It is believed to be hidden somewhere in Lumina, protected by a divine entity of light.

Umbra Shard: A counterpart to the Solis Shard, the Umbra Shard represents the pure essence of darkness. It’s said to absorb all light that touches it, creating an area of perfect darkness around it. Legends suggest it is hidden deep within the heart of Tenebris, guarded by an ancient creature born of the shadow itself.

Lunumbra Shard: This shard is said to be a piece of Lunumbra, carrying within it the magical properties of the moon’s silvery light. It’s believed to have the power to manipulate and enhance lunar magic, and can even change the flow of time. The location of this shard is unknown, with different legends suggesting it may be on Lunumbra itself or somewhere on UmbraMundus.

Eclipse Shard: This artifact represents the unity of light and shadow, said to embody the brief moments of the eclipse when light and dark meet. It’s believed to possess the power to merge or separate light and shadow, and it is associated with balance and harmony. Its location remains a mystery, with many believing it lies in the narrow zone between Lumina and Tenebris.

Dawn Shard: This is the final and the most mysterious of the artifacts. The Dawn Shard supposedly embodies the essence of the Grey Dawn itself, the fusion of light and darkness into something new. Its powers are unknown, but the prophecy suggests it is the key to bringing about the Grey Dawn. It is believed that once the other four shards are gathered, the location of the Dawn Shard will be revealed.

These artifacts are not just treasures to be found. Each of them could be the centerpiece of an entire quest or campaign arc, and finding them should require the players to unravel ancient mysteries, face formidable challenges, and make difficult choices.

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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