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UmbraMundus—Solis Shard

August 28, 2023
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Solis Shard

Classification: Artifact


The Solis Shard is a dazzling relic of immense power, reputed to be a fragment of Aureus itself. It emits an intense light, unyielding and everlasting. This radiant artifact pulsates with the warmth of the star, its golden brilliance never dimming, even in the deepest shadow.

The Shard itself is a multifaceted crystal, appearing to be both solid and fluid at the same time. It’s as if a piece of Aureus was frozen in time, trapped within an object that can be held in your hand. 


It is believed to be hidden deep within the heart of Lumina, zealously guarded by an ancient celestial being, a divine entity made of pure light.


  1. Light’s Purity: The Solis Shard can dispel any darkness, regardless of how potent or magical. When activated, it illuminates a 60-foot radius around the user with pure sunlight, and a 120-foot radius with bright light. This effect can’t be countered by non-magical darkness, and magical darkness can only resist if it is of a higher level than the Solis Shard.
  2. Blinding Flash: As an action, the wielder can make the Shard flash with an intense light. All creatures within a 30-foot radius must make a constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of the wielder’s next turn.
  3. Radiant Strike: As a bonus action, the wielder can imbue their weapon with the Shard’s radiating energy, causing their next attack to deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage.

Note: The Shard’s powers are heavily tied to the light and can be greatly diminished or even nullified in the realm of Tenebris or under the influence of strong shadow magic. It is a tool of balance, not dominance, and its powers reflect this philosophy.

The Solis Shard is one piece of the prophecy, “Shards of the Grey Dawn.”

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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