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UmbraMundus—Umbra Shard

August 29, 2023
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Umbra Shard

Classification: Artifact


The Umbra Shard is an enigma, embodying the unadulterated essence of shadow. This artifact is said to consume all light, shrouding its surroundings in an impenetrable darkness. The Shard itself is a sleek, obsidian crystal, which appears to be a tear in reality, a void where light ends.

This relic seems to pulsate with a dark energy, a quiet antithesis to the usual brilliance of an artifact. It’s as if the very concept of shadow has been crystallized and given form, a piece of the eternal night that you can hold in your hand.


Legend tells that it is concealed in the dark recesses of Tenebris, vigilantly guarded by an ancient entity born from shadow itself.


  1. Shadow’s Embrace: The Umbra Shard can create an area of complete darkness, absorbing all light within a 60-foot radius of the user. This effect cannot be dispelled by non-magical light, and magical light can only pierce this darkness if it is of a higher level than the Umbra Shard.
  2. Cloak of Shadows: As an action, the wielder can blend into shadows, becoming invisible until they make an attack, cast a spell, or enter an area of bright light.
  3. Shadow Strike: As a bonus action, the user can imbue their weapon with the Shard’s dark energy, causing their next attack to deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage.

Note: The Shard’s powers are intrinsically linked to darkness and can be greatly diminished or even nullified in the realm of Lumina or under the influence of strong light magic. It is an instrument of balance, not dominance, and its powers reflect this intention.

The Umbra Shard is one piece of the prophecy, “Shards of the Grey Dawn.”

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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