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UmbraMundus—Eclipse Shard

August 31, 2023
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Eclipse Shard

Classification: Artifact


The Eclipse Shard is an enchanting artifact that captures the ephemeral beauty of an eclipse within its core. It’s a circular piece that transitions in color from the purest white on one side to the deepest black on the other. An inner layer of smoky gray, symbolizing the blending of light and shadow, runs through its center.


The Shard’s whereabouts remain an enigma. Many believe it resides somewhere within the twilight zone between Luminaand Tenebris, an area where the light of Aureus meets the darkness of Tenebris in an eternal dusk.


  1. Unity of Opposites: The wielder can, as an action, merge light and darkness to create a new force. This can be used to confuse enemies, generate unique effects, or even create new elemental forces. It can also separate light and darkness that have been forcibly merged, undoing such effects.
  2. Harmony Aura: The Eclipse Shard emits an aura that brings balance and harmony to the surroundings. This effect can calm hostility, facilitate negotiations, and promote peace among individuals or groups.
  3. Twilight Veil: The Shard can create a veil of twilight around the user. This veil blurs the distinction between light and shadow, making the user harder to target and hit. It also provides resistance against both light-based and dark-based attacks.

Note: The power of the Eclipse Shard is tied to the cosmic events of UmbraMundus. It reaches its peak potential during a lunar or solar eclipse, but its power wanes during the solstice and equinox, when light or darkness is at its extreme. Misuse of the Eclipse Shard during these periods can lead to unpredictable results.

The Eclipse Shard is one piece of the prophecy, “Shards of the Grey Dawn.”

Learn more about UmbraMundus.

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