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September 11, 2023

This series was inspired by a post on Atlas Obscura, “The Mysterious Dodecahedrons of the Roman Empire.”

The Roman dodecahedrons could serve several interesting functions in a role-playing game (RPG), potentially introducing a sense of mystery, historical intrigue, and a magical or practical use. Here are several ideas:

  1. Artifact of Power: The dodecahedrons could be ancient artifacts of immense magical power. Each one could serve as a key to a specific location or a source of magical energy, providing the bearer with unique abilities or enhancements.
  2. Plot-Driving Mystery: The objects could serve as central mysteries in the storyline. Scholars, thieves, and power-hungry villains could all be seeking the dodecahedrons for their own reasons. The characters would then be in a race to discover the true nature and purpose of these artifacts.
  3. Multi-Dimensional Map: Each dodecahedron could represent a map or a key to a different dimension or plane of existence. The different-sized holes could serve as ‘portals’, granting the holder access to different realms.
  4. Tools for Divination: The dodecahedrons could serve as divination tools. They could provide guidance or reveal the future to the user, functioning like a magical compass or crystal ball.
  5. Coded Messages or Puzzles: The dodecahedrons could be used to deliver coded messages or serve as puzzles that the players must solve. The solution could lead to a hidden treasure, reveal a plot twist, or provide an essential clue for the campaign.
  6. Quest Items: The dodecahedrons could be items of religious or cultural significance within the game world, and retrieving or protecting them could be the focus of a quest.
  7. Source of Ritual Magic: The dodecahedrons could be essential components of a powerful magical ritual. Perhaps they’re needed to summon a powerful entity, avert a catastrophe, or create a protective barrier.
  8. Sentient Entities: They could be ancient sentient beings, either bound or choosing to exist in this form. The dodecahedrons could provide advice, cast spells, or have other effects when interacted with correctly.
  9. Symbol of Rank or Office: Possession of a dodecahedron could signify a particular rank or status within a society or organization in the game world.
  10. Currency or Trade Goods: The dodecahedrons, especially if made of valuable materials, could serve as currency or trade goods in the game world, particularly in transactions involving magic or the supernatural.
  11. Interstellar Communication Devices: In a science fiction setting, they could be devices used by an ancient alien race to communicate across vast interstellar distances.

By incorporating the Roman dodecahedrons into your RPG, you can add layers of historical mystery and intrigue while offering players tangible goals and plot-driving elements.

We will explore each of these aspects in subsequent segments of this series.

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