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Dodecahedrons—Day Two—Plot-Driving Mystery

September 13, 2023

Welcome to Day Two of our exploration of dodecahedrons.

Roman dodecahedrons could be the core of an engaging and suspenseful narrative arc in your RPG campaign. Unraveling the mystery of these objects might become the life mission for your characters, and the focus of their adventures.

Dodecahedrons—Day Two—Plot-Driving Mystery

Race Against Time

The existence and potential power of these dodecahedrons are revealed to multiple parties in the world simultaneously, sparking a race against time to gather them. Scholars, driven by curiosity and the desire to preserve knowledge, are in a rush against thieves who view the dodecahedrons as treasures to be hoarded, and against power-hungry villains seeking to use the artifacts for their own nefarious purposes.

Discovery and Research

Characters may need to traverse ancient libraries, consult wise sages, and decode cryptic scrolls to understand the dodecahedrons. Each discovery provides a piece of the puzzle that, when assembled, can reveal the objects’ true purpose. This could lead to exciting plot twists, such as discovering the dodecahedrons are more than simple artifacts but keys to ancient powers, or links to a forgotten civilization, or tools that were used by ancient gods.

Conflicting Goals

The diverse groups seeking the dodecahedrons can create conflict and tension. Scholars might wish to protect and study the artifacts, while the power-hungry seek to exploit them, and thieves might aim to sell them to the highest bidder. This could lead to a variety of scenarios, such as heists to steal a dodecahedron, battles to defend one, or diplomatic negotiations to trade for one.

Moral Dilemmas

The dodecahedrons could pose moral dilemmas for the characters. They might have to decide whether to use the power of a dodecahedron for a personal goal or to keep it safe from those who would abuse it. They could face the choice of handing a dodecahedron over to a villain to save a kidnapped ally or keeping it safe at the potential cost of their ally’s life.

Ultimate Revelation

The culmination of the plot could reveal the true nature of the dodecahedrons. Perhaps they are tools of creation used by an ancient civilization, or they could be devices that keep a dark entity locked away in a prison dimension. The revelation could upend the world’s understanding of history and the nature of magic, reshaping the characters’ role and setting up the narrative for future adventures.

By making the dodecahedrons central to the plot, you can create a sense of urgency and personal investment for the characters, driving the story forward in interesting and unpredictable ways.

Want more information about anything in this post? Add a comment with your request. I would be happy to help you flesh out this item. 

Go to the master post for Dodecahedrons.

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