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D&D Merchant – Magnus Goldforge

May 24, 2023

Magnus Goldforge is a seasoned dwarven merchant who traverses the realms in search of rare treasures and exotic goods to sell in his well-stocked emporium. Standing at a sturdy 4 feet tall, Magnus sports a long, silver beard adorned with intricate golden clasps. His emerald green eyes sparkle with shrewdness, reflecting a lifetime of trade negotiations and business acumen. Dressed in fine, burgundy-colored robes embroidered with golden motifs, Magnus exudes an air of prosperity and confidence.


Race: Dwarf

Class: Merchant

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Ability Scores

– Strength: 12

– Dexterity: 10

– Constitution: 14

– Intelligence: 16

– Wisdom: 13

– Charisma: 15


– Persuasion: +5

– Insight: +4

– Perception: +2

– Investigation: +6

Special Abilities

1. Keen Eye: Magnus has an eye for valuable items and hidden details. He has advantage on Investigation checks related to appraising the worth of items, detecting counterfeit goods, or uncovering hidden compartments in merchandise.

2. Shrewd Negotiator: Magnus has a knack for striking favorable deals. He has advantage on Persuasion checks when haggling with customers or negotiating prices with other merchants.

3. Well-Connected: Over the years, Magnus has built a vast network of contacts and informants. He can provide valuable information, rumors, and access to rare items or services for a fee or in exchange for a favor.


– Fine Burgundy-colored Robes

– Ornate Golden Clasps (adorned on his beard)

– Decorative Merchant Signet Ring

– Ledger and Quill

– Belt Pouch with Gold and Gems

– Various maps, scrolls, and travel guides


Magnus Goldforge hails from a long line of dwarven merchants renowned for their business acumen. Starting as an apprentice in his family’s trading company, Magnus quickly learned the art of negotiation and the value of quality merchandise. His insatiable curiosity and desire to see the world led him to establish his own trading emporium, where he travels far and wide to acquire goods both mundane and extraordinary. Magnus prides himself on the authenticity and rarity of his wares, earning him a reputation as a trustworthy and reliable merchant. With a keen eye for detail, a silver tongue, and a mind for business, Magnus continues to expand his network and amass wealth as he explores new markets and encounters adventurers seeking treasures to enhance their journeys.

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