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D&D/Pathfinder – Gnome Alchemist

May 25, 2023

Race: Gnome

Class: Alchemist

Alignment: Neutral Good


Crumblehorn Muddypaws, affectionately known as “Crumbs” among friends, is a gnome with a peculiar interest in concocting potions and collecting oddities. Standing at just over 3 feet tall, Crumbs has wild chestnut hair and a long braided beard speckled with dried-up potion residue, glimmering under light. His hands are perpetually stained in various shades from his work, and his bright green eyes sparkle with unquenchable curiosity. Crumbs wears a patchwork robe sewn with numerous pockets, each filled with vials, herbs, and peculiar trinkets. He carries a gnarled walking stick, inlaid with arcane symbols and topped with a crystalline orb that glows mysteriously. His loyal assistant, a mechanical owl named Tweak, is never far from his shoulder.


– Strength: 8 (-1)

– Dexterity: 14 (+2)

– Constitution: 12 (+1)

– Intelligence: 18 (+4)

– Wisdom: 16 (+3)

– Charisma: 10 (+0)

Proficiencies: Alchemist Supplies, Arcana, Investigation

Languages: Common, Gnomish, Draconic, Sylvan


Crumbs’ shop, the Peculiar Potionarium, is filled to the brim with oddities, from simple healing potions to rare magical artifacts. He sells a variety of items including but not limited to: potions of healing, antidotes, alchemist’s fire, rare herbs, magical scrolls, and mysterious items acquired from his travels. He can also craft specific potions on demand if provided with the necessary materials and a suitable fee.

Skills and Abilities

Being an experienced alchemist, Crumbs can identify most potions and magical items. He also has the ability to brew potions and craft alchemical items, provided he has the necessary resources. His mechanical owl, Tweak, is capable of fetching items from high shelves or tight spaces, making minor repairs, and even serving as a lookout.


Crumbs is generally friendly and helpful but also easily distracted, especially by anything that piques his curiosity. He’s prone to going off on tangents, explaining the fascinating characteristics of various potions or magical artifacts. While he might not be the most reliable person when it comes to time management, his extensive knowledge and skill in potion-making make him a valuable asset to any adventuring party.

Crumbs’ Mechanical Owl

Name: Tweak

Race: Construct (Mechanical Owl)

Alignment: Neutral


Tweak is a small mechanical owl, created by Crumblehorn Muddypaws himself. Standing at about 1 foot tall, Tweak is a marvel of magical engineering. Its outer shell is made of polished brass, fitted together with precision. Bright sapphire eyes glisten with arcane energy, always scanning its surroundings with an air of ceaseless vigilance. The mechanisms of its wings are near-silent, allowing it to hover in place or glide around with ease. It carries a variety of tiny tools in hidden compartments, useful for repairing itself and assisting in Crumbs alchemical work.


– Strength: 3 (-4)

– Dexterity: 15 (+2)

– Constitution: 10 (+0)

– Intelligence: 6 (-2)

– Wisdom: 10 (+0)

– Charisma: 7 (-2)

Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth

Languages: Understands Gnomish and Common but cant speak

Skills and Abilities

– Flight: Tweak has a flight speed of 60 feet.

– Keen Sight: Tweak has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

– Tinker: Tweak can attempt to repair damaged mechanical items or constructs.

– Alert: Due to its mechanical nature, Tweak doesnt need to sleep. It remains alert and active, serving as a reliable lookout.

– Magic Resistance: Tweak has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Tweak is loyal to Crumbs and follows his commands without question. Its inquisitive and ever watchful, often fluttering off to investigate anything that sparks its interest. Despite being unable to speak, Tweak communicates its findings through a series of clicks, whirrs, and the occasional hoot, which Crumbs seems to understand perfectly. Its nature as a construct prevents it from truly feeling emotions or developing personal motivations, but its loyalty to Crumbs is absolute. Tweak adds a degree of reliability and consistency that Crumbs whimsical nature sometimes lacks.

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